US Congress Votes For Aid: 900 Billion Against Crown Fall


Republicans and Democrats had argued for months, now they have launched a comprehensive stimulus package in Congress: it comprises about $ 900 billion and includes a one-time payment for the poor.

The United States Congress has decided on another stimulus package to mitigate the consequences of the corona pandemic. Both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate approved the measures with a volume of around 900,000 million dollars (about 737,000 million euros) with a large majority. In the House of Representatives the aid was accepted with 359 to 53 votes, in the Senate 92 senators voted for it, there were only six votes against. The President of the United States, Donald Trump, now has to enforce the law with his signature, which should be a formality.

The legislative package, which, among other things, approved a federal government budget of 1.4 trillion, comprises a total of more than 5,500 pages.

Support for small businesses and the unemployed

The package includes additional financial help for small and medium businesses and a temporary increase in unemployment benefits of $ 300 per week. All citizens below an annual income limit must also receive a one-time direct help payment of $ 600 per person. Additional money is also planned for schools and for the distribution of vaccines in the country.

Democratic and Republican leaders in Congress agreed to the package Sunday after months of negotiations. In the spring, the United States Congress had recently launched stimulus packages totaling about $ 2.7 trillion, corresponding to more than 10 percent of annual economic output.

“Good bipartisan deal”

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, called the package a “good bipartisan deal.” However, more steps are needed, including more money for coronavirus vaccines. He noted that President-elect Joe Biden had only called the package of measures a “first step.” Biden will replace Trump in the White House on January 20.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wrote on Twitter: “The people of the United States can be sure that more help is coming now.”

About 18 million people in the United States have contracted the coronavirus to date. In absolute terms, that is more than in any other country in the world. Almost 320,000 people have died in relation to Covid-19.
