US authorities tighten vaccine rules: Trump reacts angrily


President Trump wants to launch a vaccine before the US elections. However, the health authorities rule out a quick approval. Trump calls this a “political attack.” All the information on the news blog.

According to Johns Hopkins University, more than 35.6 million people around the world have been infected with the coronavirus and more than one million have died. So far there have been more than 307,127 infected people in Germany. The number of deaths related to a corona infection is 9,550 (as of October 7).

US health authority toughens vaccine approval criteria

The US FDA is increasing the requirements for the approval of coronavirus vaccines. The agency said Tuesday that half of the test subjects in a vaccine study had to observe the effects for two months. This makes it unlikely that a vaccine will be available before the US presidential election. “When issuing an emergency approval for a Covid-19 vaccine, openness and clarity are required and are crucial to the public’s confidence in the vaccine,” said Dr. Peter Marks, FDA director in charge of approval of the vaccine.

A senior administration official confirmed that the White House had backed the FDA’s action, undermining President Donald Trump’s hopes for a vaccine before the election in four weeks. Trump expressed his disgust on the short message service Twitter: “New FDA rules make it difficult to rush vaccine approval before Election Day. Just another insidious political attack!”

The White House could still force approval of a vaccine without the additional data from the two-month observation period. This would put the government in direct opposition to the FDA and suggest that politics plays a role in the approval of a vaccine.

The US pharmaceutical company Pfizer, in cooperation with the Mainz-based company BioNTech, is expected to be the first to announce the results of a phase III clinical study in the United States. About half of the 44,000 subjects received the final dose of the experimental vaccine candidate in late September.

Berlin tightened the crown’s measures

Due to the sharp increase in corona infections in the German capital, new measures were announced on Tuesday night. These affect restaurants, bars, shops and private gatherings. Read more about it here.

Spain registers the highest number of deaths by crown since April

In Spain, more deaths have been recorded within 24 hours of corona virus infection than in five and a half months. The Ministry of Health announced in Madrid on Tuesday night that in a single day a total of 261 deaths related to the Sars-CoV-2 virus were reported in the different regions. That’s the highest value since April 25. At that time, 280 deaths were counted.

The highest number of victims in recent months occurred on September 22 with 112. A ministry spokesman stressed that Tuesday’s sharp increase was presumably due to delays in reporting from the regions. Including subsequently reported cases, nearly 12,000 new infections were recorded on Tuesday. The total number of infections amounted to more than 825,000. However, in terms of the total death toll (32,486), Spain is behind Great Britain and Italy.

Madrid continues to be of particular concern. The region around the capital again accounted for more than 40 percent of all new infections. There the so-called 7-day incidence -the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants- was 293. To contain the pandemic, the capital and nine other communities of the “Autonomous Community” have been cordoned off since Friday afternoon. These cities can only be left or entered for two weeks if there are good reasons, for example to drive to work

Söder: Crown in Berlin “on the verge of ceasing to be controllable”

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) has called on officials in the federal capital to take a more decisive fight against the rise of the Berlin crown. “I am expressly concerned about the situation in Berlin. I fear that this is on the verge that it is no longer controllable,” Söder said Tuesday before a cabinet meeting in Munich. He noted that Munich had managed to stem the increase in the number of infections with more stringent anti-crown measures. This included, for example, a temporary mask requirement in parts of the city center and more stringent temporary contact restrictions. One could only “urgently advise” that such measures be taken, Söder told Berlin.

You have the impression that the Berlin senator for Health is struggling a lot. “But she is alone for a while.” In view of the “strange system” of district governments, there is hardly a uniform strategy there. You are on a “dangerous threshold” in Berlin, but you say it with concern, not with the index. However, some anti-crown measures are not carried out or are hardly carried out in Berlin, that is the impression that many have today.

“We definitely do not want a situation like that of Madrid, we do not want a situation like that of Paris, which in principle has to return to a total blockade, that public life is zeroed again,” Söder emphasized. They don’t want something like that again in Germany. He warned of significant effects on schools, nurseries, the economy and society. “More mask, less alcohol and smaller parties – this is the only way to control the spread of the infection,” Söder emphasized. “We are really concerned about how things will continue in Germany,” Söder said, adding: “The situation is very uncertain.” Therefore, we must continue to act with a high degree of discipline and reason. “So I think we can also survive this winter well.”

Markus Söder: The Bavarian Prime Minister warns of the growing number of infections in Berlin.  (Source: imago images / Sven Simon)Markus Söder: The Bavarian Prime Minister warns of the growing number of infections in Berlin. (Source: Sven Simon / imago images)

The head of the WHO expects the Covid-19 vaccine by the end of the year

The head of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, expects a vaccine against Covid-19 by the end of the year. “We are going to need vaccines, and there is hope to have a vaccine by the end of this year. There is hope,” says Ghebreyesus. The head of the WHO does not give any details.

Frankfurt imposes a ban on alcohol in squares and a curfew

In view of the increasing number of corona infections in Frankfurt am Main, the city’s administrative staff has decided to impose a number of restrictions. A 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew is likely to be introduced for restaurants from Friday through the end of next week, said Mayor Peter Feldmann (SPD). In public spaces – in squares, streets and green spaces – the consumption of alcohol is prohibited. In shopping malls and large shopping streets like Zeil, a mask requirement will be introduced. “We have to react now, otherwise, we will risk the successes we have achieved,” emphasized Feldmann.

The director of Health Stefan Majer (Greens) hopes that in the next few days the figure of 50 infected per 100,000 inhabitants in seven consecutive days can be exceeded, as he said. This corresponds to the red alert level of the country’s escalation concept. On Tuesday morning, this so-called 7-day incidence in Frankfurt was 46.5 cases.

Crown bud in celebration: company has to test 700 employees

After several people were infected with the corona virus at a family celebration in central Hesse, 700 employees of a company will be tested. As the design company confirmed on Tuesday, it temporarily closed its two plants in Marburg and Fronhausen. Other media had previously reported.

As announced by the Marburg-Biedenkopf district, 13 employees have tested positive. According to the district, the private celebration took place at the end of September at a restaurant in the neighboring Gießen district. Of 25 of the 27 present there was positive evidence on Monday.

Corona vaccine enters approval process

The corona vaccine candidate developed by Mainz-based company Biontech is entering the approval process. This makes Biontech the first German company and, with AstraZeneca, the second overall to be approved by the EMA for this process. Read more about it here.

WHO sees increased crown fatigue in Europe

The World Health Organization (WHO) sees a growing crown of “fatigue” in the population of Europe. In some countries, 60 percent of citizens are “tired” of protection measures taken because of the virus, WHO’s regional director for Europe Hans Kluge said Tuesday. He called on governments to work with the public to find “new and innovative” ways to reinvigorate the fight against the virus.

Kluge testified to the citizens of Europe that they had made “great sacrifices” in recent months to control the spread of the coronavirus. It is understandable that a certain “apathy” has now spread.

Other Spanish cities are cordoned off thanks to Corona

Due to the sharp increase in Corona’s numbers, two other Spanish cities in the northwest of the country are largely cordoned off after Madrid and nine surrounding municipalities. The provincial capital León with 124,000 inhabitants and the southeastern city of Palencia with 78,000 inhabitants are affected. The measures in the autonomous community of Castilla y León would come into effect on Tuesday for an initial period of 14 days, Spanish media reported on Monday, citing the regional Health Minister, Verónica Casado. Citizens can leave their homes, but only cross city limits for good reason.

In both cities, the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants exceeded 500 in the last 14 days, which is a very high value, in Germany it is only 15.3 in seven days. From the 500 mark, cities in Spain with more than 100,000 inhabitants have to restrict the freedom of movement of citizens if more than ten percent of all corona tests are positive and more than 35 percent of beds in the Intensive care units are occupied by Covid 19 patients. Smaller cities should do the same.

White House rejects stricter approval process for vaccines

According to a media report, the stricter guidelines proposed by the US FDA for emergency approval of coronavirus vaccines have been rejected by high-ranking officials in Washington.

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows speaks out against the provision that would allow a vaccine to be approved only after the Nov.3 election, the New York Times writes, citing people familiar with the process of approval.

RKI again reports more than 2,500 new infections in one day

Health authorities reported 2,639 new corona infections in one day, as the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced Tuesday morning. Read more about it here.

As of Tuesday, the mask is mandatory in the Bundestag.

In the German Bundestag there is an obligation to wear oral and nasal protection from Tuesday. The President of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU), decided that in view of the serious development of the coronavirus pandemic, the parliamentary administration announced on Monday in Berlin.

You can find older corona news here.
