United States: Trump fights election results


Donald Trump wanted to invalidate millions of votes. But the president of the United States has suffered setbacks in several states. A Republican now speaks of a “banana republic”.

The current president of the United States, Donald Trump, suffered more defeats in his fight against the electoral results. Two courts dismissed the lawsuits brought by him and his Republican allies. Even his fellow party members from Michigan state fired him. Trump is now waiting for the Supreme Court and another vote recount in the state of Georgia.

In the US state of Pennsylvania, Trump may have wanted to invalidate millions of votes by mail. He also wanted to stop the certification of the final results. Both were rejected by a federal court on Saturday with tough arguments: Trump’s lawyers had only presented “worthless proven legal arguments” and speculative charges without evidence, Judge Matthew Brann wrote in his decision. The arguments of Trump’s lawyers would not even have been enough to invalidate “a single voter,” the judge wrote. “Our people, our laws and institutions demand more.”

“Biden won the election”

A Republican senator from Pennsylvania, Pat Toomey, said the president has exhausted all “plausible” legal action to challenge the result. Faced with other legal defeats, it is now clear that his Democratic challenger Joe Biden won the election. Toomey thus joined a handful of Republican senators who have already admitted defeat for Trump.

Rudy Giuliani - Trump's attorney has announced plans to challenge election results in multiple states.  (Source: AP / dpa)Rudy Giuliani: Trump’s lawyer has announced that he will dispute the election results in several states. (Source: AP / dpa)

Trump’s lawyers, Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis, said, however, that the rejection of the lawsuit in Pennsylvania will allow them to go to the Washington Supreme Court more quickly. Of the nine justices there, six are considered conservatives, three of whom were appointed by Trump. However, experts consider it highly unlikely that Trump’s lawyers will succeed there with their far-reaching and barely substantiated lawsuits.

Trump has no evidence

In Pennsylvania, Biden had prevailed by a good margin over Trump and thus secured the state’s 20th electorate. The US media counts Biden 306 voters, significantly more than the majority of 270 votes needed for victory. Trump still refuses to admit defeat, claiming there was voter fraud in the November 3 election. However, because he has not provided any conclusive evidence, the judges have already dismissed several of his claims. According to the CNN news channel, Trump and the Republicans have now lost around 30 trials.

Donald Trump: The incumbent continues to refuse the assignment.  (Source: AP / dpa / Evan Vucci)Donald Trump: The incumbent continues to refuse the assignment. (Source: Evan Vucci / AP / dpa)

Maryland Republican Gov. Larry Hogan described Trump’s fight against the election results as increasingly “strange” and shameful. The United States was once a respected pioneer around the world when it comes to free elections, “and now we’re starting to look like a banana republic,” Hogan said Sunday in an interview with the CNN news channel. “It’s time to stop the bullshit,” said Hogan, who had repeatedly criticized Trump in the past.

“A large number of false votes?”

In the state of Georgia, Trump requested another vote recount this Saturday, as announced by his campaign team. He was able to do this because the gap between the candidates is less than 0.5 percentage points. Trump’s lawyers said they wanted an “honest vote count” that included signature comparisons and other important safeguards. Trump wrote on Twitter Sunday: “We will find massive amounts of fake votes.”

Vote counting in US elections: So far, investigations have not revealed any significant cases of voter fraud.  (Source: AP / dpa)Vote counting in US elections: So far, investigations have not revealed any significant cases of voter fraud. (Source: AP / dpa)

Georgia had already reviewed the ballots herself. After that, Biden’s lead over Trump dropped from around 14,000 to 12,670 votes, as the certified results showed. Biden won the votes of all 16 voters in Georgia.

Judge Steven Grimberg on Friday dismissed the lawsuit by a conservative Georgia attorney seeking to stop legalizing the election results. The court also dismissed a plaintiff’s attack on absentee ballots. Granting the court order requested by the plaintiff “would create confusion, undermine public confidence in the election, and potentially drive more than one million voters out of Georgia,” he said.

Republicans are critical of Trump’s direction

Trump also had bad luck with another strategy: Republican deputies and senators from the state of Michigan invited by him to the White House spoke out against attempts to alter the election results with legal tricks after the meeting. Republicans said Friday they had no information that could change the outcome of the election. Joe Biden will rule the White House starting January 20, 2021: Trump continues to block the orderly transition.  (Source: AP / dpa)Joe Biden will rule the White House starting January 20, 2021: Trump continues to block the orderly transition. (Source: AP / dpa)

Therefore, they would “follow the law and normal process” in appointing voters, said Pennsylvania Senate and House Majority Leaders Mike Shirkey and Lee Chatfield. “And the candidates who get the most votes win the elections and the votes of the electorate.” Biden had won at Michigan by a clear margin.

Trump’s unusual meeting with Republicans had fueled fears that he would pressure them to change the outcome of the normally more formal steps of notarization. However, the US media cited lawyers who emphasized that such a measure would never have been upheld in court, even with the consent of local Republicans. Joe Biden is due to be sworn in as the new president on January 20.
