United States President Trump threatens Beijing to sever ties


foreign countries Trade between the United States and China

Trump threatens Beijing with sever ties entirely

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The President of the United States, Donald Trump, has made the relationship with China his campaign issue The President of the United States, Donald Trump, has made the relationship with China his campaign issue

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, has made the relationship with China his campaign issue


The United States is increasing pressure on China. In the crown pandemic, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, now openly threatens to cut ties. I would rather not speak to the Chinese president at this time.

ORPresident S Donald Trump has tightened the tone in the dispute with China over the management of the coronavirus pandemic and has threatened to break the relationship. He does not want to speak to Chinese President Xi Jinping “at this time,” Trump told Fox Business on Thursday.

He was “very disappointed” by Beijing’s stance on the coronavirus pandemic. She has a “very good relationship” with Xi, but doesn’t want to speak to him right now.

When asked about possible retaliation by the United States against China, Trump did not take specific steps, but gave a threatening tone: “There are many things we could do.” We could break all relationships. ”

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China follows its own version of history. The distinctive characters include characters as diverse as Confucius, Mao Zedong, and current President Xi Jinping.

The Corona crisis has put severe strain on the relationship between the two countries. The President of the United States accuses Beijing of covering up the true scope of the epidemic at first, thus allowing the worldwide spread of the disease, which has cost 300,000 lives. The new corona virus was first known in the central Chinese metropolis of Wuhan in late 2019.

The Chinese government denies the allegations and claims that it has provided the World Health Organization (WHO) with all the information as soon as possible. In the Fox Business interview, Trump stuck to his accusations: “You could have stopped (the virus) in China, where it came from. But that didn’t happen. ”

Sanctions threatened

Trump had previously voiced suspicions that the virus came from a laboratory in Wuhan and had not spread from a wild animal market there, as previously assumed. He did not provide any evidence of this accusation.

At that point, Trump even seemed to back off on Thursday. When asked for evidence, he said: “We have a lot of information. But you know, worst of all, whether the virus comes from the lab or from bats, it came from China and they should have stopped it. “

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Bet on a

The United States has already threatened China with sanctions for facing the crown pandemic. A group of Republican senators issued a bill Tuesday that would give Trump the power to punish unless Beijing was “fully responsible” for the virus outbreak.

The United States government has also accused China of using internet hackers to steal investigations into possible vaccines and corona drugs.

The US Federal FBI. USA And the Internet Security Agency said on Wednesday that companies and organizations had been warned of the danger that “the People’s Republic of China would likely attack and manipulate their network.”

Do not renegotiate

Trump also said he was not interested in renegotiating the trade agreement with China signed in January. A Chinese state-owned newspaper previously reported that some government advisers in Beijing were pressing for further talks.

After almost a year and a half of dispute, the two countries signed a first partial agreement under which China promised to buy an additional $ 200 billion in US goods over the next two years. Trump sparked the dispute because, among other things, he was concerned about the large U.S. trade deficit with China.
