United States: President Donald Trump speaks out to get out of the crown lie – politics


6.4 million people infected, 191,000 dead; no country suffers as much from Corona as the United States. However, President Donald Trump (74) played down the life-threatening virus for a long time, as he admitted in an interview.

Did Trump lie? The New Yorker fights violently against such accusations!

Trump in the White House: “I didn’t lie. I said that we have to be calm, that we should not panic. The corresponding question from a journalist was “a shame.”

In interviews with investigative journalist Bob Woodward in March, Trump said he had downplayed the danger posed by the virus. The corresponding passages were published in the US media on Wednesday.

The remarks put Trump in danger shortly before the November presidential election.

Trump is of the opinion that Woodward should have made the remarks public immediately if he had thought his remarks problematic, rather than waiting months.

On Thursday, however, he avoided critical questions about the trivialization of the danger by referring to what he believed to be a successful crisis management system in his government: “We have done a phenomenal job.” Soon there will be a vaccine.

He even described the situation in the US as better than in Europe: “If you look at the European Union right now, then they have outbreaks like you’ve never seen them before and frankly their numbers are on the same level. which is much worse than the numbers here. ”

He cited Italy, France and Spain as examples. Although the number of infections has risen again there, they are still at a high level in the US.

However, Trump was confident that the United States would soon overcome the crisis. He ruled out another “closure.” He accuses his challenger Joe Biden (77) in the November 3 elections of misusing the pandemic for political purposes.

According to statistics from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, more than 191,000 people in the United States have died after being infected with the coronavirus since the start of the corona pandemic. The number of new infections each day was more than 34,000 on Wednesday. In absolute numbers, the United States has the highest number of deaths per corona in the world, but not in relation to the number of inhabitants. The United States ranks seventh in this category. In the EU, only Spain has more deaths per 100,000 inhabitants.
