United States: Former President Ready for Public Vaccination – Politics


Most Americans have chosen Democrat Joe Biden as the next president of the United States. Still, the incumbent Donald Trump is trying to do everything he can to overturn Biden’s victory on the legal path. All news and updates at a glance:

Biden wants to continue to rely on the expertise of prominent virologist Fauci

Friday, December 4, 12:55 am: US President-elect Joe Biden wants to continue to rely on the expertise of US chief virologist Anthony Fauci after taking office. Fauci remains a top health adviser and part of the government’s team of experts on Covid-19, Biden said in an interview with CNN. He spoke with Fauci about the need to build trust with a view to corona vaccines and the fact that it is not necessary to shut down the economy completely to fight the virus.

Biden, like several former presidents, said he would like to be publicly vaccinated to provide evidence that it was safe. He is also inclined to recommend that Americans wear a mask for 100 days after taking office to prevent the spread of the virus.

Fauci had previously said that he hoped to play a major role in fighting the pandemic under future US President Biden. He will stay at the NIH research institute, the 79-year-old said on MSNBC. “I’ve been in this job for 36 years, I’ve been in this job for six presidents. I have absolute confidence that I will stay in this position.”

Fauci is the best-known, and also the most popular, crown expert in the US In recent months, however, he has lost his clout in the White House because his calls to wear masks and be careful did not fit the bill. message from Donald Trump that the United States would soon leave the pandemic behind.

More recently, Fauci criticized the rapid approval of the Pfizer / Biontech vaccine in the UK. The British are “good scientists,” he said in a video that was broadcast by various British media. “But they just took the data from Pfizer and instead of looking at it very, very carefully, they said, ‘Okay, let’s just let him have it, that’s enough. He wanted to say that a hasty approval in the United States would be bad because there are many skeptics of vaccines, he explains to the BBC. In no way does he accuse UK regulatory authorities of sloppy work.

Obama, Bush and Clinton would be publicly vaccinated

Friday, December 4, 12:10 am: According to their own statements, three former US presidents would publicly undergo a coronavirus vaccine as soon as a vaccine becomes available. The former heads of state said they wanted to encourage all Americans to seek immunization against the disease that has killed more than 275,000 people across the country.

Barack Obama told SiriusXM radio station in a program broadcast on Thursday (local time) that as soon as the vaccine was also available to less threatened groups, he would be vaccinated, he could well imagine it on television or in front of the cameras. It is similar with Bill Clinton. The former head of state will be “definitively” vaccinated as soon as possible according to the priorities set by the health authorities, said Clinton’s spokesman Ángel Ureña.

George W. Bush Chief of Staff Freddy Ford told CNN that Bush recently campaigned to meet with disease expert Anthony Fauci and White House Coronavirus Task Force coordinator Deborah Birx. Bush wanted both of them to know that he was available to do whatever he could to motivate his fellow citizens to get vaccinated. If risk groups are served, the former president will gladly be vaccinated in front of the camera.

The only other former US president still alive, Jimmy Carter, also requested vaccinations. However, the 96-year-old man gave up his promise to get vaccinated publicly.

Wisconsin: Supreme Court does not accept Trump election results

Thursday, December 3, 7:40 pm: The Wisconsin Supreme Court did not accept the lawsuit of US President Donald Trump against the result of the presidential elections in the state. As announced Thursday, this case must also go through the courts. For Trump, this means another setback in his attempt to use legal means to avoid his electoral defeat against Democrat Joe Biden. The time for this is running out; On December 14, the electoral council determines the new president based on the results of the elections in the 50 states of the United States. Biden has clearly committed to the majority.

Wisconsin certified Biden’s victory at Battleground State this week. Trump wanted the Wisconsin Supreme Court to invalidate more than 221,000 votes cast in the state’s two largest Democratic strongholds. A recount confirmed Biden’s victory in Wisconsin by about 20,700 votes. It was not known at first whether Trump wanted to go through the courts at the state level. He filed a similar lawsuit in federal court on Wednesday. Trump has two other lawsuits pending in the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

Trump with 46 minutes of electoral fraud tirade

Thursday, December 3, 8:10 am: Current US President Donald Trump renewed his unsubstantiated allegations of voter fraud in a 46-minute video from the White House. In his speech he made it clear with a series of accusations against his political opponents that he does not want to accept his defeat against Democrat Joe Biden, and that he continues to see himself as the winner of the election. “The Democrats had rigged this election from the beginning,” Trump said.

Trump opened his speech with these words: “This is perhaps the most important speech I have ever given.” His unproven accusations were already known. He accused the Democrats, for example, of having laid the groundwork for “systematic and widespread” electoral fraud by expanding the mail vote. Trump had already raised his spirits against voting by mail during the election campaign, which many Democratic voters in particular used because of the crown pandemic. Voting by mail is an established form of voting in the United States. Later, Facebook added a note to the video that says, among other things, “Voter fraud is extremely rare, regardless of the type of voting.” Twitter also placed a warning below the excerpts of the speech from Trump’s account on the short message service: “This claim about voter fraud is controversial.”

Trump announced Wednesday night that he would continue to take legal action against the election result. “What a disaster this election was,” he said. “Total disaster. But we will point it out. And hopefully the courts will see it, especially the US Supreme Court.” The judges must do the right thing, demanded “respectfully” https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/, “because our country cannot live with such an election.” He would have no problem losing an election, Trump said. But you have to do it fairly.

Trump himself has not presented any evidence of large-scale electoral fraud. Responsible US authorities had described the November 3 elections as the safest in US history.

Biden warns Americans of 250,000 more deaths per crown

Thursday, December 3, 4:00 am: The president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden, warned Americans about the dramatic increase in the number of deaths in the corona pandemic and urged them to take protective measures. “I don’t want to scare anyone, but get the facts: We will probably lose another 250,000 people between now and January,” Biden said at an online event with small business owners and employees. “Do you understand me? Because people are not paying attention.” The spread of the virus must be contained.

Biden did not provide information on how he justified his estimate of another 250,000 deaths. According to statistics from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, the coronavirus has killed more than 270,000 people in the United States since the pandemic began. A model by researchers at the IHME Institute at the University of Washington in Seattle estimates that more than 502,000 deaths at the end of January in the case of relaxed protective measures, and more than 367,000 in the case of stricter protective measures. This model has also been cited by the White House several times in the past. .

CDC chief of health Robert Redfield told a US Chamber of Commerce event: “Unfortunately, I think we could be close to 450,000 virus deaths in February.” But that has not been resolved, but it depends on the degree to which Americans adhere to the protective measures. “The reality is that December, January and February will be difficult. In fact, I think they will be the most difficult times in the history of public health in this nation.”

At the official residence of outgoing President Donald Trump, despite warnings from the CDC, festivities are taking place for the Christmas period, as the White House spokeswoman made clear. “If you can loot shops, set buildings on fire and protest, you can go to a Christmas party,” Kayleigh McEnany said at a news conference at the White House. McEnany alluded to the fact that Democrats would criticize Trump’s public events in the pandemic, but not the mostly peaceful protests against racism and police violence. The celebrations are held responsibly and in compliance with protection measures, he emphasized. Trump has repeatedly downplayed the threat posed by the virus.

The CDC’s health agency strongly discourages travel and family visits during all December holidays. “The best way to protect yourself and others is to postpone the trip and stay home,” CDC employee Henry Walke said in a telephone news conference. “We have to stop this exponential growth, so we ask the American people to prevent infections and postpone travel.”

The number of new infections in the US had risen even more recently, the number of corona deaths recorded in 24 hours hit a new high since mid-April at 2,597 on Tuesday. In total, more than 13.7 million people have been infected by the corona virus in the country of around 330 million inhabitants.

Trump suggests new candidacy in 2024 at Christmas party

Wednesday, December 2, 9:34 pm: Outgoing US President Donald Trump hinted at a new 2024 candidacy at a Christmas party at the White House. “It’s been a fantastic four years,” Trump told the many Republicans who attended the celebration Wednesday. “We’re trying to do another four years. Otherwise, I’ll see you in four years.”

Trump did not admit defeat in the November 3 election and speaks of electoral fraud. More recently, however, Attorney General William Barr admitted that there was no evidence of serious wrongdoing. Presidents of the United States can serve a total of two terms of four years each. So far, Grover Cleveland has only served two non-consecutive terms. He was president from 1885 to 1889 and from 1893 to 1897.
