UN – Macron: the world does not abandon the China-US rivalry USA – politics


French Head of State Emmanuel Macron He has asked the international community not to stand idly by in the struggle for power between Beijing and Washington. “The world today should not be left to rivalry between China and the United States,” he said as the last speaker on the first day of the UN general debate. One is not condemned to participate in the dance of the “two steps”. New alliances have to be built, Europe has to develop new solutions.

Because one day there will be a cure for the corona pandemic. But it is unlikely that a “miracle cure” will be found against the destabilization of the modern world. The crown crisis requires cooperation. He believes in science and knowledge, Macron said, and condemned disinformation campaigns in relation to the pandemic, particularly attacks on the UN World Health Organization by US President Donald Trump, but without name your name.

Macron also clearly opposed the US withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and the imposition of new sanctions against Tehran. The enormous pressure that has been exerted here has not resulted in an end to Iran’s destabilizing activities or in ensuring that the country does not receive nuclear weapons. Therefore, France, Germany, and Britain would continue to work to ensure the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran is implemented.

US President Donald Trump He had previously made serious accusations against China due to the global spread of the corona virus. “We have to hold the nation that unleashed this plague on the world: China,” Trump said in his video message to the UN General Assembly on Tuesday. The Beijing government has not stopped the worldwide spread of the “China virus”.

“The Chinese government and the World Health Organization, which is practically controlled by China, have falsely stated that there is no evidence of person-to-person transmission,” the US president said. Both later claimed that people without symptoms would not transmit the virus. He said: “The United Nations must hold China accountable for its actions.”

Trump went on to say: “75 years after the end of World War II and the establishment of the United Nations, we are again engaged in a great global struggle. We have fought a fierce battle against the invisible enemy, the China virus, in 188 countries. it has taken countless lives. ” In the United States, the pandemic sparked the largest mobilization since World War II.

Trump announced: “We are going to distribute a vaccine, we are going to defeat the virus, we are going to end the pandemic and we are going to enter a new era of unprecedented prosperity, collaboration and peace.”

According to Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, around 200,000 people have died after being infected with the virus since the start of the corona pandemic. Additionally, there were more than 6.8 million confirmed infections with the pathogen Sars-CoV-2 in the US.

Trump broadened his criticism of China to include environmental problems for which the country is responsible. Anyone who criticizes the “exceptional” environmental performance of the United States while ignoring significant pollution in China is not really interested in the environment, he said. “They just want to punish the United States. And I’m not going with that.” The United States has been criticized for withdrawing from the Paris climate accord, which its predecessor Barack Obama helped negotiate.

President of China Xi Jinping He was unable to address Trump’s allegations directly because his speech was also recorded. It explicitly recognized the principle of multilateralism and protested against attempts to “politicize” the pandemic. China is a peaceful country, it has no interest in waging a hot or cold war with any country. “We will continue to work for peace in the world,” Xi said. “Together we can make the world a better place for everyone.”

Of the Iranian President Hassan Ruhani He attacked the United States for exiting the nuclear agreement and imposing new sanctions against his country. He compared the far-reaching US sanctions against Tehran to the murder of African American George Floyd during a police operation in the United States. “The images of the way the American police treat a demonstrating American citizen are nothing new to us. The knee on the neck of the American citizen is like the knee of imperialism on the neck of independent states,” he said Ruhani. Iran will not bow to this: “Life under sanctions is tough, but life without independence is even more difficult,” he said.

Of the Russian President Vladimir Putin promoted his country’s first vaccine against coronavirus. Russia is willing to vaccinate all UN employees with the vaccine for free, Putin said. Russia was the first country in the world to register a vaccine. The Kremlin chief also proposed an online conference at the highest state level for countries interested in working together to develop a vaccine. The vaccine, which is approved in Russia, is viewed very critically by many experts because it has not yet been properly tested.

I had when the debate opened in New York UN Secretary General, António Guterres He asked the international community to cooperate and show solidarity. Facing the drastic consequences of the corona pandemic in particular, he said: “We must move forward with humility and we must be united. We must act in solidarity.” In addition, Guterres demanded that the global community be “guided by science” in the fight against the virus.

The UN secretary general spoke of a health crisis of epic proportions, which goes hand in hand with an economic crisis and also affects human rights in some places. “For the first time in 30 years, poverty is increasing again,” he said. Nationalism has worsened the effects of the virus. The crisis shows that solidarity also benefits the states themselves.

Guterres also warned of a “cold war” between the United States and China. Every effort should be made to avoid further escalation. “We are moving in a very dangerous direction. Our world cannot afford a future in which the two largest economies divide the earth.” This would create a technological and economic divide that could expand into a military one.

In the context of the corona pandemic, the general UN debate is taking place in an unprecedented way this year. Most of the speakers from the 193 member states do not speak at the UN headquarters in New York today and in the coming days, but in pre-recorded video speeches.

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) will probably not represent Germany until a week later, on September 29. Chancellor Angela Merkel sent a virtual greeting Tuesday morning on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations. In it, she criticized individual national efforts and championed cross-border cooperation and understanding. Contrary to an announcement, Trump was absent from the UN’s 75th anniversary ceremony on Monday.
