Ukraine Instagram Star Dies From Covid-19


The Ukrainian Dmitriy Stuzhuk thought that Corona was an invention. He told his fans on the Instagram photo platform that he did not believe in the disease. – with as the influencer got infected with the virus. Shortly after he passed away.

Dmitriy Stuzhuk was a star: the 33-year-old is followed by more than a million people on Instagram, he himself did not belong to the risk group in the corona pandemic. The young man did a lot of sports, he was well trained. Now Dmitriy Stuzhuk is dead, he died from the corona virus.

Apparently, the Ukrainian was infected while on vacation in Turkey, he announced on Instagram a few days ago. He initially had breathing problems and a sore throat, then he tested positive for the coronavirus in Ukraine. His condition deteriorated rapidly, he was hospitalized and had to be ventilated with an oxygen mask.

See this post on Instagram

CORONAVIRUS “COVID” DAY 8 ⠀ As everyone knows from the stories, I have cornavirus. Today, after returning home, for the first time there was enthusiasm for at least writing something. I want to share how I got sick and warn everyone: I also thought there was no covid, and this is all relative. Until he got sick. COVID-19 DISEASE IS NOT EPHEME! And heavy. But first things first. ⠀ How was it? I felt bad the second day in Turkey. I woke up in the middle of the night because my neck was swollen and I was having trouble breathing. At the same time, my stomach hurt a little. ⠀ The next day, a cough started to appear, but there was no temperature. There were also no particular symptoms of the disease, so I thought they could be consequences after doing sports, changing the climate and nutrition, and also sleeping under air conditioning. ⠀ After returning from Turkey, I immediately went for several tests, had an ultrasound and, just in case, I decided to get a COVID test. It turned out to be positive😔 ⠀ The next day I went for a CT scan. They prescribed a treatment for me and I began to insist on hospitalization. This is a separate story, because now there are renovations, the hospital is completely full of people, some of them live in the corridor. There is no food, no paper, no cutlery! No one warned me about this. A separate position will be dedicated to medicine in our country, well, it deserves it. ⠀ ABOUT THE TREATMENT. I was prescribed a course of treatment and told that I had to continue it. They gave me an oxygen device to breathe, as I have a low oxygen level (although I think it is considered critical after 90, in 94-96 it is quite allowed for treatment at home, the doctor in the waiting room said the same😄). ⠀ ☝🏻 Taking into account all these factors, I decide that it will be more convenient and comfortable for me to be in remote care at home, where I have all the conditions for a normal treatment. In the end, I can always turn to the right services. She is at home, as they say, and the walls are healed🙌🏻 My condition is stable.

A post shared by Dima Stuzhuk (@stuzhuk_dmitriy) on

He wrote on Instagram in his last post: “I was one of those who thought that Covid did not exist. Until I got sick.” Later, his condition improved and he was able to leave the Kiev hospital. But shortly after, the influencer had to fight for his life again. He was supported by his ex-wife Sofia Stuzhuk. “I did everything I could to keep the father of my three children alive,” the 25-year-old wrote on Instagram.

But the resuscitation attempts of the doctors could not save Dmitriy Stuzhuk either. His ex-wife could only publicly announce his death, the couple had separated six months ago. The Instagram star leaves three children behind his ex-wife: Sofia Stuzhuk now has to take care of her son and two daughters. The youngest of the two is nine months old.
