TV showdown in America: now it’s all about Trump and Biden


meIn Europe, some will set their alarm clock early Wednesday morning, in the United States record viewerships are expected Tuesday night – exactly five weeks before the presidential election, the first of three television debates between the 74-year-old Donald Trump. years old, and his Democratic challenger Joe Biden, 77.

When and where will the debate take place, how will it take place?

Supporters of the president and the presidential candidate nervously await their first meeting in such a format, live and for 90 minutes. Trump and Biden to discuss East Coast Time Tuesday at 9 p.m. in Cleveland, Ohio. The television stations ABC, CBS, CNN, C-SPAN, Fox and NBC, among others, broadcast it, and in the face of the polarized electoral campaign a record audience is expected. The threshold of 100 million viewers could be broken.

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Where can you watch the TV match in Germany? will broadcast the debate live from 2.55 am.

Who is the moderator?

The moderator for the first round is seasoned television journalist Chris Wallace. The 72-year-old works for Fox News, a conservative and Trump-friendly broadcaster, but has retained his independence and is considered impartial. He is a critical, sometimes insistent questioner. In 15-minute sections, Wallace will question the incumbent and challenger on six different topics.

How important will the debate be during the rest of the electoral campaign?

Hard to say. Much, perhaps everything, is at stake for both Trump and Biden. The debate and the result of the fight for the interpretation of the evening will mark the electoral campaign in its last five weeks. Consequently, both Republicans and Democrats try to lower their own man’s expectations and make them heavenly with their opponents. Politics is managing expectations. Given that this election campaign is unlike any other as a result of the crown epidemic, the influence of television debates (which have been in the US since 1960) is likely to be stronger than ever. Unless the majority of Americans who want to vote have made a decision. Determining this is difficult, if not impossible.

How will Trump and Biden attack each other?

President Trump is likely to accuse Biden of being too lenient with China. Trump may also challenge Biden’s son Hunter, who once worked for a Chinese and Ukrainian company. “Where’s Hunter?” Trump often yells at rallies. If his family were attacked, Biden would be “hotter than hell,” his Florida supporter and donor John Morgan told the Washington Post.

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Biden’s environment fears such attacks and advises against reacting personally. Senator Chris Coons, a confidant of Biden, quotes an old saying: “If you lie in the mud and fight a pig, the pig has fun and you get muddy.” Biden is likely to attack Trump’s miserable handling of the crisis in the crown, his Preference for dictators, his health policy and numerous broken electoral promises.

Has a television debate already “turned” into an electoral campaign?

In any event, this is what is attributed to the – only then – debate shortly before the 1980 election. President Jimmy Carter was previously in the Gallup poll by three percentage points ahead of his Republican challenger Ronald Reagan. Reagan did well, clearing doubts about his ability to rule the country at the age of 69. After the debate, Reagan was three percentage points ahead of Carter, according to Gallup. Reagan won the election by a large margin. Carter was only given one term in the White House. Incidentally, that debate also took place in Cleveland, Ohio.

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What is Trump’s starting point?

Not even Joe Biden himself would say that Trump is the best and most electrifying (debating) speaker. Trump polarizes and agitates his supporters. It has a solid fan base. Only recently did he reaffirm his reputation as an authoritarian president who cannot even guarantee a peaceful change of power, that is, calls into question the heart of democracy. With Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court, Trump hopes for success, possibly shortly before the election.

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Trump enjoys the fact that Washington is currently debating in the Supreme Court more than his miserable handling of the Covid crisis (according to Johns Hopkins University, more than 204,000 dead in the United States as of Monday) or the robust recession. Moderator Wallace should also address exactly these issues. The basic question that many people will ask is: which of the two men is in the best position to rule the country for the next four years and solve these serious problems?

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What is Biden’s starting point?

Where Trump is exhilarating, Biden sometimes does drugs. The moderate centrist, a veteran of Washington politics (elected to the Senate in 1972), wants to reconcile the country. That goes hand in hand with his rhetoric. Biden is known for not finishing his sentences, talking too much, verbally stumbling over and over again, having dropouts, stuttering, and sometimes saying weird things.

So far well known. However, if Biden were to have a real retirement Tuesday night or lost the thread entirely, it could fuel questions about his ability to hold the most powerful political office. Plus: Biden has been way ahead of Trump in most polls nationwide for months, and in major key states as well. So you have more to lose than gain.

What’s next after the television duel?

There will be several discussion groups on American television stations. So the battle begins after the battle. The Trump and Biden campaigns should have long ago prepared their statements that their candidate won the night. Even during debate, the two campaign centers will bombard their supporters with emails and tweets, highlight every successful comment made by their candidate, criticize or mock every weakness of their opponent.

Hundreds of video clips of the debate will circulate on the Internet, capturing a special moment. It is not only about statements, but also about the gestures and body language of the candidates. A particularly revealing scene, a prayer, a facial expression has the potential to reach well over the 100 million viewers expected on Tuesday night, and may become a symbol of the election campaign.

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A particularly blatant and obvious lie from the president, even by Trump’s standards, would be a gift to the Democrats, for example. Republicans could celebrate if Biden was out of action or couldn’t answer a question. Very important: both candidates will try to appear nice, even winners.

How will the discussions continue?

Tuesday’s debate will be followed by two more in this format, on October 15 in Miami, Florida and on October 22 in Nashville, Tennessee. Earlier on October 7, Vice President Mike Pence, 61, and Sen. Kamala Harris, 55, will compete in Salt Lake City.

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