Tv duel: Trump seems increasingly desperate – politics


In psychoanalysis there is the phenomenon of projection. A person attributes their own wishes, fears, or concerns to another person. Projection is a defense mechanism. Your problems are passed on to someone else, wow! They left.

How projection works in politics could be seen Thursday night in the last debate between the US presidential candidates before the elections. There was Donald Trump on stage, who in recent years has actually used his presidential office extensively to hand over a thaler or two to his companies, and in all seriousness accused Joe Biden of being a corrupt politician who received money from Russia and China received. $ 3.5 million from Moscow, $ 10 million from Beijing, and there was also something about Ukraine. That was remarkable even by Trump’s standards. After all, the president doesn’t just bill American taxpayers for every glass of soda a Secret Service agent drinks on his Mar-a-Lago golf course. He and his sons also make a lot of money when accommodating Arab princes book entire suites of rooms at the Trump Hotel in Washington.

Yeah, it’s disgusting how Joe Biden’s son Hunter marketed his last name around the world. He was a moderately successful lawyer and lobbyist, but was courted by clients from Ukraine and China because his father was the vice president of the United States. You can call it corruption, even if it is a form of corruption that you see in every corner of Washington. People turn their proximity to power into money, that’s how the game works. And by the way, among those who play it particularly well are quite a few of Trump’s closest friends.

But Trump and his gun tensioners aren’t picking on Hunter Biden because they want to hurt Hunter Biden. You want to meet your father, Joe Biden, because he is about to win the presidential election right now. The attempt to smear him as a senile old man has failed, as has the attempt to label him a “radical left anarcho-socialist.” So now the Trump camp is trying to portray Biden as a corrupt rogue paid by America’s enemies. Tests There are none. What it is there are some incomprehensible emails and text messages of unclear origin and an alleged witness who has nothing to offer but vague claims.

Thus, the entire attack that Trump launched on Thursday is surrounded by a touch of desperation. The president knows that if polls reflect even half of reality, he is heading to the bottom of a cliff. Behind him he plunges abruptly into the depths. But maybe it’s just a lack of imagination. Four years ago, the strategy of calling Hillary Clinton a corrupt fury, hungry for money and power also succeeded. So why, Trump might think, shouldn’t it work again this time?

Well why? The debate also provided the answer to this question. Trump has clearly decided that the corona pandemic, which only China is to blame for anyway, and that the country is doing very well again because the stock index is increasing daily. It also reminded black Americans that other than (perhaps) Abraham Lincoln, no American president had done more for them, and Latinos that, keyword projection, it was indeed Biden who had the children of illegal immigrants locked up in cages.

President Donald Trump reacts during debate with Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden in his presidential final d

Donald Trump in the final television debate before the November US elections.

(Photo: imago images / UPI Photo)

That was, as Biden once annoyed and rightly pointed out, for the most part “malarkey”, which could politely be translated as “nonsense.” But the president doesn’t care. Trump talks what he talks about and his supporters believe him no matter how high the malarkey factor is. And the rest of Americans now know perfectly well that their president is hostile to the truth.

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Bottom line: Trump’s civilized demeanor in this debate may not have hurt himself as much as it did with his din during the first televised duel a few weeks ago. Did you help yourself a lot? Who knows. Trump’s problem is that he is who he is. And that most Americans are just sick of it.
