TV duel between Trump and Biden: “Are you shut up?”


It was the first television debate in the US presidential campaign between Trump and Biden. Within minutes, the discussion on topics like the coronavirus and the economy turned into a savage exchange of blows.

The battles of words in the desert marked the beginning of the first televised debate between the president of the United States, Donald Trump, and his challenger Joe Biden. Trump continued to interrupt Biden on the Cleveland stage. Moderator Chris Wallace also fought to prevail against Trump. Then the commentators spoke of one of the most chaotic debates in years.

Trump and Biden often spoke at the same time, especially Trump often spoke out loud at Biden, so at some point Biden said in exasperation, “Could you shut up, man?” The point is that everything the president has said up to that point was simply a lie. “I am not here to point out their lies. Everyone knows they are liars.” Wallace asked Trump to let Biden finish. “Guys, do you have any idea what this clown is doing?” Asked Biden, who partly looked at the camera and addressed the audience directly.

Trump tries to distract

Time and again Trump tried to gain control of the debate. Trump tried to deflect critical issues like his taxes or the coronavirus pandemic to attack Biden. He often laughed at Trump’s claims and broadside. But despite his attempts to dominate the discussion, Trump was also often on the defensive. For example, he refused to condemn white racists and paramilitary groups and instead said that something had to be done against the left-wing Antifa group and the radical left.

At the beginning of the debate, it was supposed to be about Trump’s controversial approach to filling the vacant seat on the Supreme Court, but the fight against the coronavirus pandemic was soon contested. Trump claimed that instead of more than 200,000 deaths per crown, there would be two million victims if Biden were president. It did not provide any proof of this.

Moderator Chris Wallace appealed to Trump that there would still be plenty of time to discuss the fight against Covid-19 in the television match. He then asked the president if he had a plan for his alternative to the health care reform that his predecessor, Barack Obama, had long promised. To which Trump responded, “First of all, I get the impression that I’m debating with you, not with him, but that’s okay. I’m not surprised.” The first television debate of Trump and Biden took place in Cleveland, Ohio.
