Turkey: Coronavirus for homosexuals? Erdogan supports a crazy thesis, and causes outrage


The Turkish lira has fallen to its lowest level since 2018. Due to the crown crisis, central banks have repeatedly adjusted the key interest rate. Erdogan’s government is reaching its limits.

  • Measures against the coronavirus * pandemic are affecting everyone Economic systems.
  • The economic consequences in Turkey are catastrophic The scope of action of the ErdoganGovernment is limited.
  • The country was affected before. The Turkish lira is now in a critical decline.
  • Here you will find basic information about the corona virus *. You can also view the current number of cases in Germany as a map * and current developments in Germany *. The most important thing on the subject is also on our Facebook page Corona News.

Update May 2, 2020, 9.54 a.m.: At Turkey is a cruel discussion of the context of the Corona virus with the Homosexuality Burned

Turkish President Diyanet Ali Erbas religious agencyKnown for his conservative interpretation of Islam, he deliberately stung homosexuals in his first sermon in the month of Ramadan by marking the outbreak of Virus crowns homosexuality and celibacy “Generation rots and brings disease” returned. Islam curses homosexuality, according to the leading Islamic scholar in Turkey.

The Ankara Bar Association accused Erbas of degrading people and attacking them. The statement was also outraged by civil society groups, lawyers, and secular politicians. Erbas committed a hate crime and opened the door to discrimination, the main tenor.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan but he stood behind Erbas and said his The statements are correct, but only binding on Muslims. Justice Minister Abdulhamit Gül also defended Erbas. Meanwhile, Ankara’s superior prosecutor’s office has launched an investigation into the capital’s bar association, in part due to the degradation of religious values.

Meanwhile, the human rights organization also demands

Human Rights Watch

(HRW) urged the government to end the lesbian and gay brand. A statement released on Friday said: “The Turkish government must ensure that all its representatives refrain from comments that stigmatize lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, as well as people living with HIV and at risk. exposing himself to being chased and attacked. “

HRW also criticized support from higher government circles for the “hateful” statements. That’s “extremely worryingFurthermore, the investigation against those who oppose such “homophobic statements by government officials” must be withdrawn immediately, HRW continued.

Many people also accused Erbas on online networks of causing discord amid the crown pandemic. The Ankara Bar Association accused Erbas of inciting hatred towards lesbians and gays. The Diyanet Authority operates mosques in Turkey and names imams.

Homosexuality is not prohibited in Turkey. However, activists always complain about discrimination.

Coronavirus: Turkish lira crashes dramatically – Erdogan threatens worst

First report of April 29:

Istanbul – The Coronavirus pandemic * It has a dramatic impact in the affected countries. The economic damage * is not yet foreseeable. Experts agree that the 2008 financial crisis will be tougher.

At Turkey The consequences are already clearly recognizable. Previously, the country was severely affected financially, due to political disputes with the United States.

Coronavirus: Turkish lira crashes dramatically – Erdogan threatens worst

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan It has been played regularly for a few days in the 31 affected cities, including Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir, in the wake of the Corona crisis. For weeks he had only imposed this restriction for 48 hours. Eventually it expanded to a three-day cycle.

The Turkish lira is meanwhile, after numerous Rate cuts The Turkish central bank under massive pressure. On Tuesday, up to 7.62 lire for one euro was temporarily paid. That was the last amount that had to be paid for one euro in late summer 2018, as a violent currency turmoil as a result of a conflict between Turkey and the US. USA Currency at record low it crashed

Coronavirus in Turkey: President Recep Tayyip Erdogan


Crown crisis in Turkey: the scope of measures in the crown crisis is very limited

In August 2018, the record price of 8.12 liras for one euro was paid. Since then, the Turkish currency has been under pressure. The lira rate also approached that of Tuesday’s trading in the US dollar. Low 2018. In the afternoon, a dollar was temporarily exchanged for just under 7 liras. As a result, the exchange rate was only slightly below the record value of 7.23 liras, which was temporarily paid for one dollar in August 2018.

Market watchers also refer to one tense budgetary situation. This limits the government’s measures in the crown crisis. The Turkish central bank recently cut interest rates again. The key interest rate had dropped 1.0 percentage point to 8.75 percent last week. It was the eighth rate cut since last summer when the base rate was still 24.0 percent.

Turkey hit by Corona: Erdogan government’s room for maneuver is limited

The market policy room for maneuver Erdogan’s government is slowly reaching its limits. What’s more, experts see Turkish monetary policy on a risky path. On the one hand, the effects of the crown crisis and weaker inflation due to the low voice. Oil prices for lower interest rates. On the other hand, key interest rates have been well below the inflation rate.

Lack of economic power also has unexpected consequences. This is how dolphins continue to find their way to the Bosporus.

Dieter Nuhr (ARD): Viewers on Twitter are upset by the comedian. It is based on Angela Merkel and Christian Drosten with bland comparisons.

nai / dpa
