TSV 1860 Individual Review: Traumfreisto and Gala Renewed by Alphalwe Sascha Mlders


Mnchen – The Lions wanted to blow the tailwind from the 5-0 Schtzenfest against Waldhof Mannheim to Betzenberg, and they took it: coach Michael Kllner’s team also scored three points at 1. FC Kaiserslautern.

Richard Neudecker (6th) and Sascha Mlders (36th) secured a comfortable lead before the break, and Alphalwe finally achieved the final score (81st). Two youngsters were also allowed to show themselves again in Giesinger’s undisputed 3-0 win. Notes for life:

MARCO HILLER, NOTE 3: For the second consecutive time to zero. Deposit flight before Redondo, some grateful balls and his important excursion shortly after the break. Not very confidently with big balls.

MARIUS WILLSCH, NOTE 2: He drove Giesinger’s game right over and over again. After the break, like other lions, he was a bit negligent before stabilizing again, and served a flank assist.

SEMI BELKAHIA, NOTE 3: Against Mannheim’s season debts, Salger’s first appearance in the starting lineup as a backup follows immediately. His advantages: speed, head strength, good physique. Sometimes too good. Luckily his use of the elbow in the penalty area did not result in a penalty.

Erdmann becomes a tower in battle

DENNIS ERDMANN, NOTE 2: He is in central defense for the second time in a row. Two clean-up actions, each shortly before Hiller and under stress. Fleipoints as a tower in battle.

PHILLIPP STEINHART, NOTE 3: One or the other flank slid down his left side. Steam maker in front as usual. Ball wins before 2-0.

QUIRIN MOLL, NOTE 2: It was allowed to act again as a rhythm and a clock. He landed a lot of balls with an overview of the game and fighting spirit and mostly passed them on to his more than useful colleagues.

ERIK TALLIG, NOTE 3: He seems to have outgrown his poor form – great performance and career, repeatedly engaged in sixty attacks, even at 2-0.

Of course also empty against the lions: The Fritz Walter Stadium in Kaiserslautern.

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Neudecker takes care of the can opener

RICHARD NEUDECKER, NOTE 2: What a prelude: from 16 meters and a few crushed centimeters he twisted the ball perfectly over the wall full of red devils. Good performance.

FABIAN GREILINGER, NOTE 2: It becomes more and more determined. Trailblazer before 1-0. Almost squad for Lex (16.). He even gave away 100% when he slipped away before accepting the ball. Flank failed over Mlders, who sank it anyway.

Mlders: two goals are once again top priority

He scored two goals in the 3-0 win at Kaiserslautern: Löwen striker Sascha Mölders.

“Summer will not end”: Sascha Mlders suggests staying in 1860

STEFAN LEX, NOTE 2: He missed 2-0 with a strong shot that Spahic was able to stop. Brake several times only with faults. Top cross over Greilinger, one of many 2-0 setters.

SASCHA MLDERS, NOTE 1: Game lion? Lion of the week! Inimitable ball processing before 1-0. The second and third jokes were each of the top priorities: the 10th and 11th season hits. A whopping SIX scorer points in two games.

DENNIS DRESS, NOTE 3: He replaced Lex at halftime and helped improve the game in a controlled way.

DANIEL WEIN, NO NOTE: He was late for an evaluation.

LORENZ KNFERL, NO NOTE: He was late for an evaluation.

Game survey
