Trump’s son Barron was also infected with the corona virus


The positive Corona result of the President of the United States and the First Lady caused a sensation. Donald Trump was even treated at the hospital. Now it comes to light: her 14-year-old son was also infected.

The youngest son of the president of the United States, Donald Trump, Barron, was also infected with the coronavirus. The 14-year-old had no symptoms of the disease and has since tested negative again, his mother, first lady Melania Trump, said Wednesday. A corona test has now come back negative for her as well.

The president and his wife tested positive for the corona virus just under two weeks ago. “Of course, I immediately thought of our son,” the first lady said Wednesday. A test on Barron was initially negative but later came back positive.

Melania Trump: she’s a strong teenager

“Fortunately, he is a tough teenager and has shown no symptoms,” explained the former model. “Since then it has tested negative.” The president’s wife did not provide more precise information on when the 14-year-old tested positive and then negative.

Barron is the only child of Donald and Melania Trump together. The president has four other children from previous marriages: Donald Junior, Ivanka, Eric, and Tiffany.

Melania Trump said Wednesday that she had tested negative for the virus and would soon resume her duties as first lady. The 50-year-old said of her own illness that she had been diagnosed with “minimal symptoms,” but that they all occurred at the same time. “It seemed like a roller coaster of symptoms for the next few days.”

“I had body aches, coughs, and headaches, and I felt extremely tired most of the time,” Melania explained. He has taken a “more natural route to drugs” and has opted for vitamins and healthy eating. Her husband had been treated with a strong mix of medications, including experimental antibodies and anti-inflammatory steroids.

Trump describes himself as “immune” to the virus

The president had been hospitalized for three days in early October. Last Monday, the 74-year-old man resumed his campaign actions. He describes himself as “cured” and “immune”. These statements are met with great skepticism among experts.

The Republican, who has come under massive criticism for his handling of the Corona crisis, is up for re-election on November 3. In polls, he is sometimes far behind rival Joe Biden of the Democratic Party. In the United States, more than 215,000 people have already died as a result of the coronavirus, more than in any other country in the world.
