Trump’s lawyers now remain on the Supreme Court


IIn the dispute over the outcome of the elections in the United States, President Donald Trump’s team has announced an appeal to the Supreme Court. On Friday, a federal appeals court dismissed the team’s motion related to the Pennsylvania vote. “Specific accusations and evidence would have been necessary,” he said to justify. Other objections are useless.

Judge Stephanos Bibas also emphasized: “Free and fair elections are the soul of our democracy. The accusations of injustice are serious. But calling an election unfair does not make it that. Accusations require specific information and then evidence. We don’t have any of that here. ” And further: “Voters, not lawyers, elect the president. The ballots, not the reports, decide the elections ”. He described the fact that Trump’s team had demanded that the state of Pennsylvania stop certifying its election results as impressive.

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However, Trump’s attorney, Jenna Ellis, accused the state judiciary on Twitter of wanting to cover up allegations of massive voter fraud. “To SCOTUS!” He wrote in English on behalf of his colleague Rudy Giuliani, referring to the abbreviation for the Supreme Court of America. It was not initially clear whether the latter would accept the case.

The objection was raised last week by Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani. For five hours he spoke about widespread fraud in Pennsylvania without providing any proof. US District Judge Matthew Brann testified in lower court that the complaint, which was riddled with errors, was “arbitrarily arranged like Frankenstein’s monster.” He didn’t let Giuliani fix it.

The appeals court said the decision was justified. All three members have been appointed by Republican presidents. On Thursday, the Pennsylvania election authority certified the election result that Democrat Joe Biden received more than 80,000 more votes than Trump.

Trump expects the Supreme Court to intervene as it did in 2000. At that time, constitutional judges stopped a recount in Florida, meaning that George W. Bush won the election. With new appointments to the Supreme Court during Trump’s tenure, there is a nominal conservative majority there. But even if the 20 voters in Pennsylvania finally got Trump, he couldn’t catch up with Democrats Biden: According to data provider Edison Research, he leads with a total of 306-232 voters.

All 50 US states must have their election results certified by December 14. That is the day that the Electoral College, the Electoral College, meets and votes for Biden or Trump based on the results of the elections in the individual states. All challenges and appeals against the elections must be resolved by December 8. Based on available results, Biden pledged himself to the majority of the electorate.
