Trump vs. Fauci: Corona as an electoral campaign success


His management of the crown remains the weakest flank of US President Trump in the electoral campaign. Despite the growing number of cases, he remains confident of a return to normalcy and discredits his chief virologist.

By Claudia Sarre, ARD Studio Washington

The corona pandemic is and will continue to be the dominant topic in the American media. At least if you tune into channels that criticize Trump like CNN. So far, more than 220,000 people have died from Covid-19 in the United States. The infection rate is high in most states, with 64,000 Americans testing positive yesterday alone. Measured in terms of population, the United States still has a much higher number of infections than Germany, for example.

President Trump is putting this circumstance under enormous pressure. Possibly because he sees his chances of winning the election diminish. It attacks and has its chief virologist, Dr. Fauci referred to as a “disaster”. He reacted calmly to the attack on the KNX radio station.

“A lot of states that were doing quite well now are seeing an increase in crown numbers. We have to focus on that. Everything else is just a distraction. It’s like the movie” The Godfather “: nothing personal, just I want to just do my job and protect people. “

Scientists: “blackest phase” coming weeks

Scientists across the country are alarmed. Michael Osterholm of the Center for Infectious Diseases expects the next 6 to 12 weeks to be the blackest phase of the pandemic. Yet President Trump remains true to his course and continues to downplay the dangers of the coronavirus. It’s not that bad, he said yesterday on Fox News.

“We live with that and very soon we will have the vaccine. With or without vaccination, we are about to flatten the curve.”

Trump had to soften his sharp criticism of Fauci a bit, after all, the chief immunologist belongs to his Corona Task Force and appears as a trusted voice of science in one of his polling places. He’s a nice guy, but he’s not really a team player. And he’s a Democrat, Trump said.

Showdown on Thursday

Which is not true, because the 79-year-old scientist does not belong to any party. Fauci has chaired the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for 36 years and has served under six US governments, including Reagans and the Bushes.

Trump’s Democratic challenger Joe Biden is likely to rub his hands in the meantime. The faster the number of infections increases, the more the treatment of the corona pandemic becomes a central electoral issue.

At the moment, the last confrontation between Joe Biden and Donald Trump will take place tomorrow Thursday. Later, the two opponents meet in a television duel.
