Trump rages on Twitter against allegations of soldiers – foreign policy


The military is highly regarded in the United States. It is forbidden to speak ill of soldiers and veterans, especially for politicians in electoral campaigns. An article about supposedly derogatory comments from Trump upsets the president a lot. And he fights back, especially against the latest accusations from his heart and stomach host “Fox News.”

The fallen American soldiers are “losers”, Donald Trump is said to have said according to the American magazine “The Atlantic” (BILD reported). Not true, says the president of the United States.

“This is a bogus magazine story that probably won’t be around for long,” Trump said. He had previously tweeted: “I never called our great fallen soldiers more than heroes.”

Trump called The Atlantic magazine report “a shameful attempt to influence the 2020 election.”

However, Atlantic editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg is now receiving support from an unknown source. On Trump’s favorite station, Fox News, of all places, journalist Jennifer Griffin said: Trump’s statement had actually been made, he had two sources who would have confirmed it.

Trump immediately responded on Twitter:

Trump’s wife, Melania, also rushes to her husband’s side. The accusations “were not true,” the first lady said on Twitter. “These are very dangerous times in which more than anything anonymous sources are believed and nobody knows their motivation. This is not journalism, it is activism. “

What exactly is Trump supposed to say?

In “The Atlantic” report, citing four unspecified sources, Trump said on the occasion of a planned visit to an American military cemetery in 2018: “Why should I go to this cemetery?” He’s full of losers. “

Trump traveled to France in November 2018 to commemorate the end of the First World War. He had canceled a visit to an American military cemetery. According to Trump, this was due to bad weather. Instead of taking a helicopter, Trump would have had to go there by car. Trump has now said that the Secret Service, which is responsible for protecting the president of the United States, rejected this for security reasons. A related email featured White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany in front of reporters on Friday and referred to several people who had testified about this version.

The magazine was not interested in the truth, only in propaganda, McEnany said.

“The Atlantic” wrote, however, that Trump canceled the visit at that time because he was afraid of his hairstyle and because he did not believe it was important to honor fallen Americans. However, the day after the cancellation, Trump had visited another nearby US military cemetery, also in bad weather. Both Trump and his hair got wet in the heavy rain at the time.

And it goes even further: Trump is also said to have called the late senator and veteran John McCain a “loser” and fought the mourning flags after his death.

Trump is resisting it too. “I was never a big fan of John McCain,” he writes on Twitter. But “without hesitation” he ordered mourning flags and sent a plane to Arizona to take the coffin with McCain’s body to Washington.

The charge of failing to honor fallen soldiers is a serious charge for a prominent American politician, and especially for the president, who is also the commander-in-chief of the military. The military is very important in the United States. Trump’s reputation among members of the military had recently declined, according to a Military Times poll. Consequently, 41.3 percent of those surveyed wanted to vote for Biden, 37.4 percent for Trump.

I found food for the democrats

Trump challenger Joe Biden immediately wrote on Twitter: “Mr. President, if you don’t respect our troops, you can’t lead them either.”

At a press conference in the US state of Delaware, he added that the accusations were “horrible.” If this turns out to be true, it is once again clear that Trump is not at all fit to be president and commander-in-chief of the US military. “It’s sick. It’s unfortunate. It’s so un-American, so unpatriotic,” Biden said.

He will run against Republican Trump in the November 3 election.
