Trump could declare himself the winner before the final result


Shortly before the US election, President Trump is behind his challenger Joe Biden in the polls. A report that Trump is making extremely delicate plans for Election Night is causing a stir.

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With a show of force at the end of the electoral campaign, the president of the United States, Donald Trump, wants to make up his deficit at the polls and get the necessary votes for a second term. After five appearances Sunday, the Republican wanted to campaign for votes in three particularly competitive states on Monday. His Democratic challenger Joe Biden planned to appear in the important state of Pennsylvania on the last day of the election, one of them with Lady Gaga. Biden can also count on stronger support from former President Barack Obama ahead of Tuesday’s historic election.

Trump calls for a result on election night

News site “Axios” reported on Sunday, citing three unidentified sources, that Trump had discussed plans with confidants that if he had an advantage on election night, he could declare himself the winner before the end of the vote count. . Trump called the report “incorrect.” However, he again demanded that the election result be available on Wednesday night. “I think it’s not fair that we have to wait long after the election,” the 74-year-old told reporters in North Carolina. “As soon as the elections are over, we will go to our lawyers.”

During an election campaign appearance in Rome, Georgia, Trump said that perhaps his lead would be so great that he could be proclaimed the winner on election night. “I think we will do better than four years ago.”

The result can change

A record number of postal voters is expected due to the pandemic. According to polls, the majority of Biden supporters want to take advantage of the option to vote by mail. In competitive states like Pennsylvania, mail-in votes can be counted days after the election. That could mean Trump is ahead Wednesday night, but his lead turns into a deficit in the days after. Then the electorate in the states in which the result revolves would not be awarded to Trump, but to Biden. Trump has been claiming for months, without any evidence, that voting by mail promotes voter fraud.

Battle for the “changing states”

In the final sprint, the election campaign focuses on “swing states” like Pennsylvania, where it is unclear whether the Republican or Democratic nominee will traditionally win. Trump was still behind Biden in the polls over the weekend, both nationally and in several “swing states.” However, his re-election is not ruled out, especially since the electoral system means that the candidate with the most votes may also lose. Both sides have declared that this year’s vote will be a fateful choice.

Is Obama a “tremendously overrated” person?

In their performances on Sunday, the two opponents attacked each other hard. In Dubuque, Iowa, Trump accused Biden of corrupt. Without any evidence, he again claimed that the Biden family had received millions of dollars from China. “If Biden wins, China wins. If we win, America wins.” Trump (74) played videos of his 77-year-old challenger’s tongue slips and verbal slips during his appearances and again questioned Biden’s eligibility for the presidency.

Trump warned of an economic depression if he was defeated. He was confident of victory and scoffed at Obama’s support for Biden. He called his predecessor “a very overrated person.” Biden was Obama’s vice president.

Donald Trump: The election campaign is in the final sprint.  (Source: AP / dpa / Chris Carlson)Donald Trump: The election campaign is in the final sprint. (Source: Chris Carlson / AP / dpa)

“We are tired of tweets”

Biden said in Philadelphia on Sunday: “It’s time for Donald Trump to pack his bags and go home. It’s time to bring some life back to this nation. We’re done, we’re tired of it.” Tweets, anger, hatred, failure and irresponsibility ”. Biden criticized Trump’s crisis management of the pandemic as “near criminal.”

Trump rules out confinement

Despite the significantly rising number of infections, Trump reassured Sunday that the United States would soon be on the mountain in the corona crisis. The president ruled out a confinement as in several European countries. “I am delivering on the great American comeback and we have no locks,” he said Sunday during a campaign appearance in Washington in the embattled state of Michigan. If Biden wins the election, there is a risk of years of lockdown.

“Under a Biden lockdown, you would live in a prison state,” Trump told his supporters. “The closure of Biden would mean: no school, no degrees, no weddings, no Thanksgiving, no Easter, no Christmas, no July 4 (Independence Day) and no future.” Trump announced that it would be “a matter of weeks” before there would be a vaccine against the coronavirus.

Fauci’s dire warnings in the crown crisis

Earlier, prominent American health expert Anthony Fauci had prepared Americans for a significant worsening of the pandemic situation. “We have a lot of suffering ahead of us. It is not a good situation,” Fauci told the Washington Post. The United States “could not possibly be worse off” ahead of fall and winter.

According to data from Johns Hopkins University (JHU), the United States surpassed the 99,000 new infections mark for the first time on Friday. With 330 million people, the United States is about four times the size of Germany, but last Friday it had about five times as many new infections. According to JHU statistics, the pandemic has so far cost more than 230,000 lives in the United States, more than 20 times more than in Germany.

Millions have already voted

More than 93 million Americans have already taken the opportunity to vote before the official date of Tuesday’s elections by letter or at polling stations that have been opened in advance. According to the US Elections Project, this corresponds to more than two-thirds of all voters in 2016.

The American president is not elected directly by the citizens, but by the electorate. Almost everywhere, your votes go to the winner in the state that sends these voters, no matter how close the outcome is. 270 electoral votes are required to enter the White House. In 2016, Trump won fewer votes nationwide than Hillary Clinton, but he won more voters.

Who else is chosen?

Voters in the United States decide not only the race for the White House on Tuesday, but Congress as well. All 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 35 of the 100 seats in the Senate are available for election. The polls give Democrats a good chance to retain a majority in the House of Representatives and regain control of the Senate after six years. Among other things, the Senate confirms candidates for government office or the Supreme Court, which makes it particularly important for a president.

New “Superspreader Event” at the White House?

Trump announced that he would spend election night in Washington. The New York Times reported that the discussion was about an election party in the East Hall of the White House with up to 400 guests. After a Trump event in the rose garden in late September, numerous visitors were infected with the corona virus, including the president and first lady Melania Trump. Later, Fauci spoke of a “superprocessor event”. Biden wants to address the nation on election night from his home in Wilmington, Delaware, as his campaign team announced.
