Trump continues to see himself as the winner


Washington (AP) – Current US President Donald Trump sees himself as the winner of the US election despite his clear defeat to challenger Joe Biden.

“You cheated and rigged our presidential election, but we will still win,” Republican Trump said Saturday night (local time) in Valdosta, Georgia, targeting Democrats. “We won this election.”

Trump announced at his first rally since the election that he would continue to take legal action against the result, right up to the Supreme Court in Washington, the United States Supreme Court.

The president reiterated that hundreds of thousands of illegal votes were cast in the November 3 elections. Trump has never presented evidence of this. Attorney General William Barr recently said there was no evidence of voter fraud to the extent that it would alter the outcome. Trump’s lawyers have filed dozens of lawsuits in six states, so far without success.

In Georgia, Trump is also trying to reverse Biden’s narrow election victory in the state. On Saturday night, Trump again claimed that Georgia won.

Trump campaigned for a majority of his Republicans in the Senate when he appeared in Valdosta. He urged the reelection of two Republican Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler of Georgia. He will face Democrats Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock in a runoff on January 5. The election is of the utmost importance because it determines the majority in the powerful United States Senate.

In the November 3 elections, Republicans managed to secure 50 of the 100 seats in the parliamentary chamber. If the Democrats win both seats in Georgia, there would be a deadlock in the Senate. Then Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, who is also Speaker of the Senate, would have the last word in the event of a tie. That would effectively give the Democrats a majority. Recently, polls saw the two Democratic rivals very close in Georgia.

The US media announced Biden as the winner of the presidential election just less than a month ago. According to the results so far from the states, Biden has 306 voters, Trump has 232. An election winner is one who wins at least 270 voters. Biden is due to be sworn in on January 20.
