Trump continues to cast doubt on “honest” presidential election


foreign countries The president of the United States sows doubts

“The Democrats are manipulating our election,” Trump adds.

| Reading time: 3 minutes

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Despite the corona pandemic, US President Donald Trump travels the country and appears in one state after another. After his re-election, he wants to get back to “normal” quickly.

Donald Trump has once again questioned a possible outcome of the presidential election. Now he also cites a case in which nine discarded ballots were discovered in Pennsylvania, at least seven of them for him.

ORPresident Donald Trump continues to raise questions about the possible outcome of the November 3 presidential election. “We have to make sure that the election is honest. But I don’t know if it can be, “Trump said Thursday with a view to mailing the voting papers.

Trump has been claiming for weeks that election documents sent millions of times to American citizens dramatically increased the risk of voter fraud. The experts and those responsible for the elections deny it. “The Democrats are rigging our 2020 election!” Trump added Friday night on Twitter.

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Trump repeatedly told his supporters that he was convinced he could only lose the vote because of electoral fraud. On Wednesday, when asked by a journalist, he refused to promise in advance a peaceful transfer of power. “We have to wait and see what happens,” he said instead.

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Trump’s comments drew criticism from both Democrats and Republicans. The Senate, in which Republicans have a majority, passed a resolution Thursday declaring a commitment to the peaceful handover of power.

The leader of the Republican majority in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, assured that power would be duly transferred after a possible electoral defeat of Trump. “There will be an orderly transition, as it has been every four years since 1792,” he tweeted. McConnell declined to comment on the question of whether he would insist that Trump leave the White House.

Spokesperson for the Office of the President Kayleigh McEnany tried to clarify. “The president will accept the results of a free and fair election,” McEnany said when asked by reporters.

Nine Ballots Found in Pennsylvania Before Elections

Trump also referred to a notice from the Pennsylvania State Department of Justice that nine discarded ballots had been discovered. The authority had initially discussed nine ballots for Trump, but later made it clear that this was only safe for seven of them.

The other two were in the envelopes that came with them when the FBI seized them. They were voting papers for members of the military, and some could also be assigned to individuals. In Pennsylvania, mail-in ballot envelopes must remain sealed until Election Day.

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According to the investigators’ first findings, the employees of the local election authority opened the envelopes with the ballots because they looked very similar to the envelopes with the mail-in voting document requests. Meanwhile, Trump took the opportunity to speak of irregularities. “You throw it in the trash if it has Trump’s name on it, I guess,” he said.

In the November 3 presidential election, in light of the crown pandemic, a significantly higher proportion of ballots sent by post is expected than usual.

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