Trump and Biden: Hickhack on TV duel


Trump’s crown disease ruins the programming of television debates: Biden initially favors a postponement, but wants to stick to the date of the last duel. But Trump doesn’t want that, and certainly not a virtual meeting.

A dispute has broken out between the political camps in the US over the other two speeches planned between US President Donald Trump and his challenger Joe Biden. The independent commission responsible for CPD initially announced that the second debate would take place virtually due to the president’s crown disease. Trump called this unacceptable on Fox News.

Then Biden’s team suggested postponing the second debate, originally scheduled for October 15, for a week “so the president cannot evade accountability.” Soon after, Trump presented a counterproposal: the second debate should be postponed until October 22. The planned third should take place on October 29, shortly before Election Day on November 3. Trump’s advisers again insisted that candidates must meet face-to-face.

Biden refuses to postpone the third debate

A postponement of the third debate was rejected a little later by Biden’s side. Biden’s team said it was not up to Trump to set the schedule. His runner-up campaign manager, Kate Bedingfield, said that September 29 and October 15 and 22 had long been agreed.

The two candidates debated on television for the first time last week. Just 48 hours later, Trump was diagnosed with corona. Then there were concerns about whether the two should meet again in person for the televised match next week. The Commission has now stated that, to ensure the health and safety of all concerned, candidates must speak from two different places. Moderation and guests should meet in Miami as planned.

Trump doesn’t want a virtual meeting

Trump then immediately declared that he would not participate in a virtual television duel. He was in “great shape”, anything but a debate with personal presence would be a “joke”. His campaign manager, Bill Stepien, accused the commission of unilaterally canceling a personal meeting of Trump and Biden. The safety of participants can also be ensured in other ways.

Stepien described the commission members as “swamp creatures” who came to Biden’s aid. Biden’s campaign team said the challenger was ready for a virtual debate next Thursday. Biden advisers said that if Trump cancels the second match, it would be very helpful to the challenger. In his view, voters who are still undecided would get the impression that Trump was pinching after the chaotic first debate.

Biden has had several tests done for Corona and said he was also looking forward to the duel. However, he had stated that the duel should not take place if Trump was still sick or infected.

Trump insults vice-candidate as a “monster”

Regardless of his health, Trump is now again distributing heavily against the Democrats. He accused Biden of being able to govern the White House for a maximum of two months because “he is mentally incapable of being president.” Trump has often questioned Biden’s mental aptitude.

Democratic Vice Candidate Kamala Harris also violently rebuked Trump after his television duel with Vice President Mike Pence. He denigrated her as a lying “monster.” “Everything he said was a lie,” Trump said in a telephone interview with Fox Business television. Trump twice referred to the California senator as “that monster.” Pence won the duel convincingly.

Deutschlandfunk reported on this issue on October 8, 2020 at 8:00 pm
