Trump adviser Fauci warns of “really serious” consequences


Anthony Fauci advises US President Trump on the crown crisis. In a Senate hearing, he emphatically warned against taking action too quickly in the United States. Trump continues to insist on relaxation.

In the United States, the crown crisis shows a growing gap between President Donald Trump and his chief Crown adviser, Anthony Fauci. As Trump continued to push for pandemic restrictions to be relaxed quickly, Fauci warned Tuesday of the “really serious” consequences of taking action too quickly. At the same time, he was “cautiously optimistic” about the state of development of the vaccine.

“People want our country to be open,” Trump said Monday at the White House. The United States has made “tremendous progress” in expanding testing, and the growth in new infections has slowed considerably. It is essential to reopen the country. Trump hopes to quickly get the United States economy back on track by quickly loosening restrictions, increasing his chances in the November presidential election.

Fauci warns of fast action

However, Trump’s top crown adviser warned against taking action too quickly: At a Senate hearing in Washington on Tuesday, Fauci said guidelines had been developed on when and how the restrictions could be relaxed. One of the most important prerequisites is that the number of new infections will decrease significantly over two weeks. “If a municipality, state or region does not act according to the guidelines, the consequences could be really serious.”

The virologist was also “cautiously optimistic” about the prospects for a vaccine. Eight potential vaccines are currently being clinically tested. “We have multiple candidates and we hope to have multiple winners,” Fauci said. “In other words, the target is shot from various directions.”

However, Fauci emphasized that there was no discomfort between him and Trump. “There certainly is no confrontational relationship between me and the president,” Fauci said Tuesday in the video audience. He advises Trump based on scientific information. The president listens to this, respects it and receives advice from other parties. Other experts from the White House Crown Task Force also said during the Senate hearing that there were no confrontations with Trump. The experts openly gave their evaluations in the group and the President listened.

Fauci publicly contradicted Trump multiple times

In the past few weeks, members of the task force, most notably Fauci, had seen several attempts to publicly contradict Trump in certain statements about the crown pandemic. Fauci had said weeks ago on the Science magazine website that Trump was listening to him, “even if we disagree on some things.” Trump has his own style. “But when it comes to content, he hears what I say.”

Trump himself had publicly praised Fauci multiple times despite differences in content. He emphasized that he highly valued the experts on his coronavirus team and would continue to listen to their advice.

Corona falls into the White House

Fauci is currently in self-inflicted quarantine due to contact with a crown-infected government official. Handling of crown cases in the White House has been controversial for several days. Trump has now announced that, as a protective measure, he can reduce his contacts with Vice President Mike Pence.

Two Corona cases had been confirmed at the White House in two days last week. Among other things, Pence spokeswoman Katie Miller tested positive for the corona virus. The vice president himself was negative for the pathogen, Trump said.

However, the vice president “comes into contact with many people,” added the president. Therefore, he would speak to Pence about a possible restriction on his contacts. A mask requirement was imposed Monday on White House employees, which Trump himself did not follow.

A Pence spokesman said Sunday that the vice president had not quarantined. Trump’s comments the next day, however, suggested that Pence could be isolated at home. He had not seen Pence since the “quarantine period,” the president said.

With more than 80,000 deaths and 1.3 million infected, the United States is by far the country most affected by the pandemic. The actual number is probably higher, Fauci admitted at the video hearing in the United States Senate. One of the reasons for this is that many people died in New York, particularly affected, before they could be taken to the hospital.
