Trend in Germany: willingness to vaccinate in Germany is decreasing


meActually, Monday was a good day in the series of many baddies in the corona pandemic. That day, the German company Biontech announced that a vaccine it had developed against the coronavirus was working and could prevent an outbreak of the disease in 90 percent of cases. For many people, this gave reason to hope that the pandemic could end in the foreseeable future.

Coincidentally, on Monday and Tuesday, Infratest Dimap also conducted its poll for the German trend on behalf of WELT and ARD “Tagesthemen”. A question in him: Would he be prepared in principle to be vaccinated against the crown? And here it became clear that despite the good news, the number of vaccine skeptics or even those who refused to get vaccinated has not decreased at all. It has even increased significantly compared to the August data.

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The vaccine has to be refrigerated and therefore requires special transport.

And that, although the number of infections was significantly lower in August and therefore the risk of becoming infected was significantly lower than it is today. 29 percent of respondents say they will “probably not” or “definitely not” vaccinate. That means an increase of five percentage points.


Source: Getty Images; WORLD infographic / Jörn Baumgarten

Approval or rejection is apparently very volatile in the pandemic. This can also be seen in the level of satisfaction of politicians: Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) and Economy Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) are the winners this month. Scholz increased by eleven percentage points to 63 compared to the previous month, Altmaier from eight to 55 points. Respondents obviously appreciate the generous help provided to those businesses that had to close due to the November closure.

Only two-thirds of the youngest are ready to be vaccinated

The reassuring news is that if the remaining 71 percent who say they are “likely” or “definitely” vaccinated really stick with their opinion and put it into practice, that would be enough to achieve the necessary herd immunity.

Doctors assume that between 60 and 70 percent of the population would have to be vaccinated to stop the pandemic. Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) was even more optimistic and spoke of a necessary quota between 55 and 65 percent.

Jens Spahn comments on the Biontech vaccine and the new vaccination strategy

Because a corona vaccine could not meet the needs in the initial phase for a long time, the doses of the vaccine must be distributed systematically. Here he explains what strategy the Federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, is following.

However, development shows that vaccination could not be a sure success. Much will depend on communication from the federal government, drug companies, and authorities in the weeks and months to come. If the number of skeptics of vaccines continues to increase or the attitude develops that “the other” should be better vaccinated, but prefer to belong to those who want to benefit indirectly from it without vaccination, crisis managers have a problem.

Value is already critical in the 18-39 age group. Here only 67 percent want to get vaccinated. The tendency to vaccinate is particularly high among those over 65 years of age. Here 78 percent are positive for a vaccine. On the one hand, this can be explained by the fact that older age groups have a significantly higher risk of seriously contracting Covid-19. The disease is mostly mild in younger people.

Source: Getty; WORLD infographic

But there may be another explanation: The older generation grew up in a post-WWII climate where vaccines were seen as a great achievement. For many, the fear of polio was still there. Large polio vaccination campaigns fall into their youth. Vaccines against all childhood diseases were common until the 1990s.

On the other hand, in the last ten years there has been a remarkable skepticism about vaccines, which has a large following in those generations that have not even experienced the brutal consequences of rampant viral diseases. According to the German trend, 44 percent are now afraid of being infected with Corona, an increase of seven percentage points compared to mid-October; however, the trend for Germany does not contain information on age distribution. After all, 56 percent have little or no fear of getting sick.

“Reasonable vaccination coverage? End of 2021 at the earliest ”

World Medical President Montgomery sees the Biontech vaccine as a big step forward. It will take until at least the end of 2021 to achieve a reasonable vaccination rate. Y: No one knows how long the vaccine will work.

Source: WORLD / Alexander Siemon

The values ​​should be a warning sign for the government. In this context, it is certainly of little help that the news about how vaccinations should be organized has so far flowed in moderation. A confusion, confusion of competence and responsibility would have fatal consequences for the willingness to vaccinate. Currently there is talk of vaccination in about 60 vaccination centers. Based on current planning, this will not happen with the family doctor, who for most citizens is more likely to be the doctor they trust.

In general, there is great agreement regarding the prioritization of those vaccinated. This will be necessary at first because a vaccine cannot be available to everyone. Even with rapid production, the majority of the population is not expected to be able to stock up before the summer of 2021.

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The concentration on certain parts of the population, such as the very old, the sick, certain risk groups, and then in the next step, medical personnel, police, teachers, educators give 93 percent of those surveyed a positive evaluation. Only four percent have reservations, the rest are undecided.

This is a huge vote of confidence in this unprecedented form of medical classification. There has never been such a shortage of vaccines. Due to this exception, the Permanent Commission on Vaccination and the German Ethics Council advocate that prioritization be based on law; the decision on who should receive preferential treatment cannot be left to the doctors.

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