Traveling during the pandemic: this is what masks depend on on trains and planes – knowledge


On airplanes and trains, travelers should not wear masks with an exhale valve to protect against the corona. “The purpose of the mask is to protect those around you. But the air you breathe is expelled unfiltered through the valve, ”explains Professor Tomas Jelinek from the Center for Travel Medicine (CRM) in Berlin.

For this reason, airlines do not generally accept the use of such masks either. At Lufthansa, for example, it is said that visors, FFP2 masks with valves, as well as scarves and bandanas are not allowed on board, as they allow air to escape to the side and do not provide adequate protection.

What mask makes sense on the plane?

Travel physician Jelinek advises trains and planes to wear a mask that is not too restrictive and through which they can breathe easily: “A cloth mask or a paper mask is entirely appropriate.” These masks are used primarily to protect others.

“If I’m afraid of getting infected, then I need a particulate-proof mask, that is, an FFP2 or FFP3 mask,” explains Jelinek. Breathing with these masks is more difficult, which can cause problems, especially on airplanes.

Because the air pressure on board is lower, the passenger ingests less oxygen in the lungs than at sea level. “That is not a problem for a healthy person,” emphasizes Jelinek. But people with respiratory problems are better off wearing a cloth or paper mask.

Lufthansa also explains: “FFP2 masks have a relatively high respiratory resistance, which can cause health problems for people with previous illnesses. Also, even healthy people often have trouble wearing this mask for an entire flight. “

Keep enough distance when boarding

According to Jelinek, there is an increased risk of infection when traveling by plane at airports, for example, when people are together in lines. Therefore, travelers should keep their distance between them when boarding and disembarking, the doctor cautions.

“Once you sit on the plane, the risk of infection is low because the air in the cabin runs from top to bottom,” says Jelinek. “They hardly breathe what is exhaled around them.”

Train ride

It’s different on the train: “Here, the air goes through the entire compartment. It’s more important that everyone actually wears a mask and that they keep as much distance from each other as possible, ”says Jelinek.

And what else is important? “The mask should be changed daily, better half a day”, advises the expert. “So when you travel, you need a supply, like underpants.”

Gloves are not necessary

On the other hand, Jelinek advises against wearing medical gloves in luggage: “This is actually nonsense.” All studies indicate that Corona is not necessarily transmitted through smear infections. Those who wring their gloved hands for a long time, on the other hand, run the risk of eczema: “You are doing more harm than protecting yourself.” (dpa)
