Travel Industry Criticizes Travel Warnings: “Farm Holidays Are No More Dangerous Than S-Bahn”


Lanzarote has comparatively few cases of Corona, but it is a risk area; For the German travel industry, this case is just one example of unfairly issued travel warnings. Critic: The government burdens the travel industry disproportionately.

In view of the growing number of travel advisories from the federal government, the tourism industry in Germany sees its survival at risk. “The situation in the travel industry is existential,” the president of the German Travel Association (DRV), Norbert Fiebig, told the newspapers of the Funke media group. Sales are down to a quarter of the previous year and “no improvement is in sight.”

The association director was particularly critical of the fact that several regions had been wrongly declared risk zones. In Spain, for example, there are numerous islands such as Lanzarote, Formentera and Menorca, in which there is not a single access point to the crown, but they are still classified as risk areas. “That is absurd,” criticized Fiebig. “Holidays on the farm are no more dangerous than a trip to the S-Bahn in Berlin,” said the director of the association.

Travel warning for Kleinwalsertal in Vorarlberg

Other regions designated as risk areas currently show few or no cases of infection: for example, a travel warning applies to the Austrian state of Vorarlberg. The Kleinwalsertal, which is popular with German tourists, also belongs to Vorarlberg, but it has almost no crown cases and can only be reached from Germany.

DRV chief Fiebig emphasized that travel is not dangerous per se, as long as people adhere to Corona’s rules. The federal government is ignoring these facts and is imposing a disproportionate burden on the travel industry.

Looking ahead to the upcoming fall holidays, he spoke of an extremely difficult situation. With more and more travel advisories, the federal government is leading the travel industry into a second sectoral lockdown. Also, the government relies on quarantine regulations rather than corona tests. “This is definitely the wrong way,” criticized Fiebig.

In accordance with warnings from the federal government, Health Minister Jens Spahn again called on citizens not to travel abroad during the fall and winter holidays. “You can also go on vacation to Germany,” said the CDU politician in common. ARD and ZDF Morning Magazine. In the corona pandemic, it has been shown time and again that returning travelers are increasingly introducing the virus. “I think we should learn about this together for the fall, winter and Christmas holidays,” Spahn said. Although that is difficult for the tour operator, it cannot be changed in the current situation.

Most travel companies have existential fears

According to a DRV survey, almost 70 percent of the travel agencies surveyed see their existence as seriously threatened; According to Fiebig, more than half of the tour operators.

As of Wednesday, Germany declared other regions in eleven EU countries to be risk zones and issued appropriate travel advisories. The regions of the Czech Republic, Austria and the Netherlands, as well as the capitals Copenhagen, Dublin and Lisbon are affected. This means that there are now risk areas in one out of every two EU countries for which travel advisories apply.
