In the morning, half past nine in Barcelona on Valencia Street, the usual rush hour traffic jam: cars move meter by meter, it takes time. Sure, cars now only have two lanes instead of three: a yellow bike lane now runs to the right, the bus lane to the left, and the wide sidewalk to the side. More space to maintain the crown distance of 1.50 meters.
Not only here, on Valencia Street, but throughout the city, emerging bicycle lanes and sidewalks have emerged in recent months: 30,000 more square meters for pedestrians, around 20 kilometers of new bicycle lanes, 60 side streets closed to traffic, so the intermediate balance of the city in Corona fall 2020.
The local government has also used the last few months for the green renovation of Barcelona. Not a reaction to the crown crisis, but a program: with the slogan “Omplim de vida els carrers”, “Let’s fill the streets with life”, activist Ada Colau, who was recently elected mayor, had a young team of politicians and environmentally conscious city planners in the summer of 2015 used. Its objective: to recover public space from car traffic.
Super islands in the urban jungle
Back then it was urgently needed: the northeastern metropolis of Spain, which has become a magnet for tourists, has suffered from high levels of air pollution and noise for years. Each resident has an average of only 6.6 square meters of green space available, in downtown districts even only 1.85, while the WHO recommends at least nine square meters per capita.
The limit values for pollutants established throughout Europe are regularly exceeded in both Barcelona and Madrid. That is why the European Union has long threatened Spain with proceedings before the Court of Justice of the European Communities and severe penalties.
Photo: Gunnar Knechtel / DER SPIEGEL
The new team of the Barcelona city council decided from the beginning to create the so-called “Superilles”. The Catalans call their traffic control system “super islands”. Two by two or three by three blocks of houses are combined into one superblock. The cars circulate outside. But only residents and delivery vans can enter at set times, maximum speed of 10 km / h.
The administration of the city of Poblenou approved the first superblock of this type, and it has been in operation since 2017. The old working-class neighborhood in the shadow of the Torre Agbar water purification tower, which rises like a gigantic rocket, had been the heart of Catalan Manchester in the 19th century.
It has been transformed into an electronic city since the 2000s. More and more old brick buildings were being restored or demolished, and instead of textile companies, new companies and university colleges were installed. In addition to the iconic buildings by international star architects, some residential buildings were built.
The new shapes of cars
Does the concept work? To answer the question, a team from SPIEGEL evaluated the data from the navigation provider TomTom. They show in detail how car traffic has changed. Where does it accumulate? Do people move to other streets? Has the total number of cars increased or decreased?
In the analysis of the Poblenou superblock, the measurement data from 2016, that is, before the opening of the block, were compared with those from 2018. The result: in Poublenou it is easy to see that the traffic has moved towards the street Tanger, which runs north, and Pallars street, which runs south.
Almost nothing has changed on the perpendicular roads between the northwest and southeast, but there are not even half the cars in this direction. There is hardly any traffic inside the superblock. There are few cyclists and many students on foot, here they have priority.
The number of infections is still high in the city, more than 4,000 daily cases in Catalonia alone. As for months, it is mandatory to wear a mask everywhere, in shops and restaurants, on the street. However, the neighborhood is a normal and lively daily life, only with a mask. Circular playgrounds protected by wooden fences have been created at the intersections of Calle Sancho de Ávila.
New rules, new battles
But in a nearby skyscraper that borders Roc Boronat, one of the roads, there is a protest banner: “No Superilla” is written on it, “the neighbors want their opinion.”
“Yes, initially there were many doubts, especially on the part of merchants and neighbors,” says Xavi Matilla, 44, chief architect of the Barcelona City Council. He has a good view of the superblock from his office on the outskirts of Poblenou. Now everyone wanted to live in a superilla: “We have requests from all over Barcelona, that’s very popular now.”
Poblenou was the pilot project, although the area has always had little traffic. Matilla says that the experience was necessary to better implement the innovative concept elsewhere. “We had already learned our lesson in the Superilla around the Sant Antoni market and we better involve the neighbors.”
There the superblock was finished since last October. Here, too, TomTom data shows that car traffic has dropped dramatically, on Calle del Conde Borrell now closed to just 15 percent. On the other hand, twice as many cars circulate on the parallel street, Calle de Viladomat, than in 2016. There, but only there, the average speed was reduced between 10 and 15 percent. According to TomTom data, practically nothing has changed in the rest of the streets near the superblock. The example of Sankt Antoni shows: the traffic does not collapse due to a super villa, the effects are minor.
More than 500 new seats have been installed in the cordoned streets, people meet and play chess. But they still have to get used to the rules in the superblock, says a policewoman patrolling the market with a colleague in orange vests, clearly visible. Electric scooters and motorcycles would often ignore the speed limit or, as a shortcut, simply cross the yellow drawings on the floor that delineate children’s play areas. Others park their cars in front of a store, although it is prohibited.
The urban planner Matilla knows that there is still a lot of mediation work to be done “for the city of the future”, as he calls it. Two more superblocks are currently being planned, and there could be around 500 of them at the end. The fact that Barcelona is being “restructured” completely has broad approval from the public, and there is even political consensus. That is a social justice issue.
Private cars only represent 20 percent of total mobility in the city, but occupy 60 percent of the roads, says Janet Sanz, responsible for ecology, urban planning and mobility at the city hall since 2015. Sanz, a close confidant of the mayor , lives in the superb Sant Antoni block, rides his bike to work and has set himself the goal of making the city healthier.
Barcelona is in the Mediterranean, citizens spend a lot of time on the street, so public spaces must become second homes for people, he says. And Corona has raised awareness of the urgently needed traffic shift. Also in Barcelona, more and more people drive their car instead of the metro or bicycle, for fear of infection.
The avalanche of travelers
The plan to redesign all of Barcelona with superblocks could still be successful in the long term. This is also due to the special structure of the metropolis: the new city, called Eixample, an extension in Catalan, was raised in the 19th century by the architect and builder Ildefons Cerdà in the form of a grid: in square blocks with beveled corners, with a Edge length of 133 meters, divided by streets of 20 meters wide, ten meters of lane and a sidewalk of five meters wide to the right and left. A homogeneous network.
Cerdà had planned green inner courtyards and wanted to limit the main traffic to four axes. But his plan has been “perverted” by pro-car politicians, says urban planner Matilla.
From the eighties, two neighborhoods, Gràcia and Born, were a quiet traffic, first experiences in the direction of the superblock. In the new superblocks, the lane is now reduced to one lane. 70 percent of all public space will be cleared of traffic.
At the moment, a third of private vehicles come from outside the communities, which have grown significantly in the last ten years. For more and more people to say goodbye to the car, it would be necessary to create better rail connections with the surroundings, admits Matilla. There is also no toll in the city as in London. How long will everything take? Barcelona’s chief architect believes it will still be decades.