Tough closure and curfews: this is how Saxony wants to stop Corona


From Monday, stricter restrictions will apply to people in Saxony. This includes daytime exit restrictions within a 15 kilometer radius, night curfew, and mask requirements across the country wherever people gather. Many stores remain closed, as do schools and children’s facilities. For children of parents in systemically important professions, there should be emergency care in daycare centers and after-school care centers. This is what the Saxon cabinet decided on Friday night.

With a view to the national incidence value of 313 * (according to RKI), which the Saxon Minister of Social Affairs, Petra Köpping, called “an absolute negative maximum value”, she appealed to the citizens: “Please stay at home. Limit your contacts. Try everything with him. Your environment remains healthy. ”

* According to calculations and counts by MDR SACHSEN, the incidence value for the whole of Saxony is already 421 (as of December 11, 2020, source: daily report of Saxon districts and main cities).

Don’t look for loopholes or what politicians forgot to fix. It is not always about the sense of self. Act in solidarity and stay home. This is the best for your family and those around you!

Petra Köpping
Saxon Minister for Social Affairs (SPD)
