‘Total failure’, ‘con man’: far-right Proud Boys ditch Trump


“Total failure”, “Cheater”
Proud right-wing abandon Trump

Needed by David

For years, the far-right group Proud Boys has marched for Donald Trump, celebrating him as their “emperor.” But with Capitol Storm everything will be different. Now right-wing extremists are turning away from Trump, because he does not defend his presidency with war and violence.

“Heil Imperator Trump!” The Proud Boys proclaimed after Donald Trump lost the election in November. The president of the United States deserves all the support, for example in the form of demonstrations, members of the right-wing extremist group wrote in private chat groups of the Telegram messaging service that the elections had been stolen. Now that Trump has retired to Florida and Joe Biden assumed the presidency, the Proud Boys are drifting away from Trump in the same groups, as the New York Times reports.

The former US president is attacked as a hypocrite in dozens of news and channels that the newspaper analyzed. “Trump will end up being a total failure,” one channel tagged him. You should no longer participate in the protests of Trump or the Republican Party, is the instruction of the right-wing extremists.

“Trump betrayed his followers”

The breakup came as a surprise, because for years the Proud Boys had absorbed Trump’s every word with enthusiasm, supported him on the street and online. During the first television duel of the presidential election campaign in September 2020, he had given them a sort of marching order, calling on them to “be prepared.” The right-wing group, which is made up only of men, as the name suggests, was filled with pride and even designed a logo based on their statements (“stand down, wait”).

In early January, standby turned into a storm on Capitol Hill; Spurred on by Trump’s speech, many of the Proud Boys, founded in 2016, also participated in the attack, both wearing their black and yellow flags and shirts and deliberately without symbols so as not to be exposed later. So far, at least five members of the group have been arrested in connection with the Capitol Storm.

Now they are walking away from Trump because he was not the effective fascist they thought they had found. The U-turn began, according to the New York Times, when the Republican condemned rather than praised the violent attacks on Capitol Hill. The Proud Boys felt betrayed. How could her “holy emperor” stand up to her and then evacuate the White House? Accusations were made via Telegram that Trump “instigated” the events on Capitol Hill, but then “washed his hands.”

In the weeks after the election, right-wing extremists expected Trump to use his executive powers, proclaim martial law and, if necessary, defend his presidency by force. Her retirement was a chore and a failure for her. “It is really important for all of us to recognize how much Trump betrayed his supporters this week,” the New York Times quoted a Telegram channel as saying after the Capitol storm. “We are nationalists first. Trump was just a man and ultimately extremely weak.”

“Ready to die for this man”

According to the newspaper report, the Proud Boys Telegram group even welcomed Biden to the post. “At least this administration is honest about its intentions,” he said, although there was still a lot of frustration over the “fraud” of Biden’s predecessor. Right-wing extremists are now reorganizing and looking for a new role model if necessary. Since Donald Trump can no longer communicate with them directly without their Twitter and Facebook accounts, he is also losing value.

Other far-right groups have also turned their backs on Trump in recent weeks. “People were ready to die for this man and he just threw them all under the bus. That’s the only shameful thing about what has happened in the last 36 hours,” wrote Nick Fuentes, host of the America First podcast and leader no. officer of the whites. Nationalist Army Groyper, on Twitter after Trump condemned the violence in Washington. Fellow activists from Fuentes and the Trump movements published similar posts.

According to the New York Times report, some Proud Boys now want to retire from political life and, above all, end their membership in a political party. They would encourage each other to focus their efforts on secessionist movements, that is, secession from the United States and the government, and local protests. “The special thing about the Proud Boys is that they are offline, that is, in the real world, but they know exactly how to use it for their online communication,” Christopher Stewart of the Institute for Strategic Dialogues in London recently told ZDF. . Right-wing extremists Donald Trump have now resigned online; offline, they should be no less dangerous to American society.
