Starting May 15, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.
NDR 1 Lower Saxony
The country wants to allow all students to work with a laptop, notebook or tablet. That announced
Culture Minister Grant Hendrik Tonne (SPD) on Friday.
Culture Minister Grant Hendrik Tonne (SPD) presented a timetable for the return of students to schools at the state press conference in Hannover. Corona infection numbers developed positively, so more and more students could return, Tonne said Friday. By June 15, all classes in schools must be taught again. The back to school process will be complete, Tonne said.
The return is staggered
The resumption of teaching should, as a last, be staggered. After students in classes 3, 9, and 10 return to high schools beginning Monday, classes 11 will continue on May 25. A week later, beginning June 3, the calendar provides for the return of grades 2, 7, and 8. Starting June 15, classes 1, 5, and 6 must return to school.
Ton: mobile devices for all students
05/15/2020 2.30 p.m.
Culture Minister Grant Hendrik Tonne spoke on Friday about Corona’s schedule for schools. In addition, students received technical equipment.
Ton: two-week pace has been shown
“We have had good experiences with the path we have taken in Lower Saxony so far,” Tonne said. The two-week applied cycle, in which half a class goes to school, has been demonstrated and will be maintained. According to Tonne, it offers schools safety planning and readjustment options. “I am extremely impressed by how well local schools work together in terms of content and organization.”
Oral exams only volunteers
Ton also announced relief for schools and teachers. Among other things, oral final exams in classes 9 and 10 should only be taken on a voluntary basis. Therefore, up to 70 percent of these tests could be omitted. The quality of the title is not affected, Tonne said. Also, all students who have completed their written final exams no longer have to come to school.
Ton: All students must have digital devices
Tonne announced a new initiative for digital learning offerings: Based on this, the state wants to allow all students to work on a laptop, notebook or tablet. Lower Saxony will receive 47 million euros from the federal government for this, the background is the 500 million euro program from the federal government for the immediate equipping of disadvantaged schoolchildren. Cities and counties should soon be able to purchase appropriate equipment and loan it to families who cannot afford their own equipment. “I think this is a necessary signal,” Tonne said. I hoped that learning at home would be fairer. Educational associations and opposition politicians have long warned that children from difficult backgrounds will be left behind in the Corona crisis.
Do the devices get SIM cards?
Devices can also be equipped with appropriate SIM cards that allow Internet access. The federal government is in talks with mobile operators. He thinks this is a very useful addition, Tonne said. It is open when children and young people hold the first tablets in their hands. The state government plans to regulate the details next week. Ton announced that the country would make as few specifications as possible about what the devices would technically have to do. When buying, you want to give users as free a hand as possible. So flexible solutions are possible on-site, the minister said.
Additional Information
More information about schools and kindergartens in Lower Saxony
More information on Corona in Northern Germany
Crown in Lower Saxony – All news