Today’s news: Kremlin chief Putin honors victims of World War II


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Putin calls for unity 75 years after defeating Nazi Germany

In a speech on the 75th anniversary of victory over Nazi Germany, Russian President Vladimir Putin called on his country to join. Russia is “invincible” if all Russians unite, Putin said in the televised speech at the grave of the unknown soldier in Moscow. Putin deposited a wreath in the park next to the Kremlin. The traditional military parade on May 9 had been canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Putin described the victory over Nazi Germany as a “holy” day for Russia. During World War II, 27 million Soviet soldiers “saved the homeland and the lives of subsequent generations, liberated Europe, and defended the world.” He honored the soldiers who had died in the war with a minute of silence.

Green politician Palmer rejects demand to leave the party

Tübingen Mayor Boris Palmer (Greens) has rejected demands for a party exit. “Of course I’m not leaving my party,” said Palmer of the “Bild” newspaper. “I remain a member of the Greens out of ecological conviction. Since the charges against me were fabricated or constructed by my opponents, there is no reason to think so.”

The Greens state executive in Baden-Württemberg had previously asked the controversial local politician to leave the party. With his statements, Palmer opposed the party’s values ​​and political principles and acted “systematically” against them, the state executive said. With his appearance, the politician serves “not for political debate or within the party, but for personal profile.”

In recent years, Palmer had repeatedly expressed his outrage on and off the party. More recently, he said in an interview about protective measures in the Corona crisis: “I will tell you very brutally: in Germany we can save people who would be dead in six months anyway, due to their age and previous illnesses.”

Sugar should be banned in children’s teas.

In the future, sugar will be banned in babies and young children; There will also be new information on the packaging. This is foreseen in a regulation of the Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, Julia Klöckner (CDU), which the Federal Council will address next week. Therefore, herbal or fruit teas for babies or toddlers should not contain added sugar or other sweetening ingredients such as honey, malt extract, syrups, or thick juices.

Klöckner told the German press agency: “Babies and young children do not need sweetened beverages.” That is why sugar and other sweetening ingredients should not take place in teas and drinks that are specifically targeted at them. “They also shouldn’t be” trained “from the start.” The minister said he wanted to ban the ban as soon as possible. Federal Council committees recommend that the State House approve at its meeting on Friday (May 15).

News from May 8, 2020

+++ Alleged invasion attempts: Venezuela reports 23 arrests +++

According to government officials, 23 suspected mercenaries have been arrested in various attempts to invade Venezuela. The Venezuelan opposition and Colombian drug traffickers were behind the actions, Communications Minister Jorge Rodríguez said Thursday. The government of Socialist President Nicolás Maduro had reported Sunday that mercenaries had attacked the country with speedboats. Eight people are said to have been killed and two others arrested.

In the following days, Venezuelan security authorities, according to their own statements, unearthed more conspiracy cells. Operation Gideon “is said to be the Silvercorp USA mercenary company, led by former elite US soldier Jordan Goudreau.” The Trump administration will have a hard time escaping responsibility, “said Rodriguez, United States President Donald Trump, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and other US politicians had repeatedly denied any government involvement in the failed invasion, calling the Maduro’s disinformation campaign.

+++ The Brazilian President sends military to protect the rain forest +++

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro sent the country’s armed forces to the Amazon early to fight deforestation and fires. This arises from a publication in the “Official Gazette”, a kind of official gazette, on Thursday. It occurs three months before 2019, when the destruction of the world’s largest rainforest increased dramatically and caused international criticism. The mission is scheduled from May 11 to June 10 in the nine states of the Amazon region and, like last year, can last up to 60 days.

According to environmentalists, the presence of the armed forces can stop the illegal destruction of the forest in the short term. But they also warn that the military cannot replace the work of environmental agencies. Critics accuse right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro of creating a political climate in which loggers, gold diggers, farmers and other intruders to protected areas are encouraged to do more deforestation and slash-and-burn. The head of state has repeatedly made it clear that he primarily connects the Amazon region with untapped economic potential.

News from May 7, 2020

+++ Bundestag elects SPD Högl politician as new military officer +++

The SPD’s domestic and legal policy, Eva Högl, is the new representative of the Bundestag armed forces. In the afternoon, Parliament elected her to succeed Hans-Peter Bartels (SPD). Högl received 389 of the 656 votes cast. AfD MP Gerold Otten, who is also running for office, received 92 votes.

Högl’s nomination had caused irritation between the parties because he had so far not appeared in the Bundeswehr’s questions. Bartels, who would have liked to run for another term, had been misled by the group leader’s decision for Högl. SPD budget expert Johannes Kahrs, who was also awaiting the position, even announced his withdrawal from the Bundestag.

+++ 83 years in Rhineland-Palatinate shoots his wife and himself +++

In Kaiserslautern, Rhineland-Palatinate, an 83-year-old man is said to have shot his wife and himself. As police announced Thursday, a relative found the bodies of the spouses in the home the night before. The man is said to have killed his 78-year-old wife with multiple shots from a pistol and then shot himself. The reason is unclear, police said. According to the information, the man had a gun license and several firearms. Investigators found the alleged murder weapon in the home.

+++ Visakhapatnam: At least seven people die in a gas accident in an Indian factory +++

A gas accident at a chemical plant in India has claimed at least seven lives. About 180 people were rushed to hospital with eye irritation and breathing difficulties, a police spokesman said. Residents within a three-kilometer radius of the factory in the port city of Visakhapatnam, in the state of Andhra Pradesh, in southern India, were spared.

Video: Chemical accident in India claims deaths and injuries

The gas, which is often used in plastic production, leaked in the middle of the night, the head of the national civil protection agency told NDTV. People would have noticed the unpleasant smell. The output could stop in the morning. The responsible administration asked citizens via Twitter to protect their mouth and nose with masks or wet towels and not to leave their homes. According to management, the factory belongs to the Korean company LG Polymers. According to NDTV, it produced plastic that is used for consumer goods like toys. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted that he prayed for the safety and well-being of everyone in the city.

+++ Southampton: A new image of Banksy emerged: the nurse as superhero +++

Mysterious street artist Banksy thanked the heroes of the crown crisis in his own way – with a large painting at Southampton General Hospital. The hospital image, which was also posted on Banksy’s Instagram account, shows a boy kneeling and letting a nurse doll float in midair in his hand. Like Superman, he holds out his hand, wearing a face mask, cape, and apron with a red cross, the only color element in black and white painting. In the trash can in front of the boy there is a Spiderman and a Superman figure. According to the BBC, the artist left a note in the hospital saying: “Thank you for everything you do. I hope this illuminates the place a bit, even if it is only in black and white.”

The one-square-meter painting, to which Banksy only wrote “Game Changer,” is said to remain in the hospital until the fall and then go up for auction, the BBC reported. The proceeds will go to the National Health Service (NHS) with insufficient funding.

News from May 6, 2020

Eindhoven: Police find € 12.5 million in secret room

Police discovered € 12.5 million in cash in a hidden room in an apartment in the Dutch city of Eindhoven. It is the highest amount ever found at a location in the Netherlands, police said on Wednesday. A 35-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of money laundering.

It was not just a particularly large sum, but also a particularly heavy sum. Because it was, according to the police, notes of 5 to 500 euros, which weighed a total of 255 kilos. The researchers had to store the money in several large shopping bags. They also secured firearms and a money counter.

The police assume this is proceeds from organized crime. The way investigators had attacked the apartment and the man was not disclosed with reference to the ongoing investigation.

Gießen: Mallard creates record flight from central Hesse to Russia

While the crown pandemic is slowing down human air traffic around the world, a German mallard has made a giant flight. In about two days, the duck flew from Lich in central Hesse to Russia in early May, according to researchers at the University of Gießen. With a speed of up to 125 kilometers per hour, the feathered animal covered the 2,250 kilometers to a lake in northern Russia, which was an unprecedented achievement.

The duck had to fly particularly high in Germany: “It reached the Harz at its highest altitude at 780 meters,” reported researchers led by Johannes Lang. Later it flew to its destination, among other things, through the Baltic Sea and the Baltic States. The Gießen University project is used to investigate the migration routes of wild ducks, which have rarely winterized in Hesse in recent years.

Bergisch-Gladbach: Charges against the main suspects in the abuse complex

Charges were filed against the 43-year-old prime suspect at the Bergisch Gladbach abuse complex, which investigated 20 suspects and initiated various proceedings. Among other things, the prosecution accuses the German of sexually abusing his daughter, who was born in 2017. Most of them were photographed and filmed and sent these recordings to their chat partners.

In all, the cook and the hotel specialist are charged with 79 criminal offenses, as announced by the Cologne Regional Court. Therefore, the trial against the man could start in the summer if the main trial is opened. If convicted, he faces up to 15 years in prison. There is also a provision for preventive detention in the courtroom. According to information, the man has yet to comment on the allegations. However, he is said to have helped identify his chat partners. He is said to have committed some of the acts together with a Kamp-Lintfort chat partner.

Gauland declared a holiday around May 8

The leader of the AfD parliamentary group, Alexander Gauland, spoke out against declaring the end of the war on May 8 as a holiday. “May 8 does not have the potential to be a holiday because it is an ambivalent day. For the inmates of the concentration camp, it was a day of liberation. But it was also a day of absolute defeat, a day of losing large parts” . Germany and the loss of design opportunities, “he told the Germany editorial network (RND / Wednesday). You can’t make May 8 a lucky day for Germany.

This year, May 8 is unique and only a public holiday in the State of Berlin. The end of the war marks its 75th anniversary.

Upper Bavaria: another attack on Turkish business

After the possibly extremist incendiary attack on a Turkish grocery store, there was another attack on a Turkish store in Waldkraiburg, in Upper Bavaria. There is a connection to the attack on the night of April 27, a police spokesman said. The new case on Wednesday night was property damage. At first, the newspaper “Bild” had reported. Consequently, the windows of a kebab shop were damaged with stones.

Six people were injured in the fire in the grocery store in April. The flames not only destroyed the grocery store, but also caused damage to houses in the neighborhood. The amount of the damage is millions.

Poland’s parliament debates changing the right to vote

A few days before the Polish presidential elections, the first chamber of parliament in Warsaw will address a controversial change in electoral law on Wednesday. The Senate, the second chamber of parliament, dominated by the opposition, voted against the draft of the national-conservative ruling party PiS on Tuesday night. It is stipulated that the presidential elections scheduled for May 10 due to the coronavirus epidemic will only be held by letter. Since postal voting has so far been rare in Poland, an amendment to the law is necessary.

The final chamber of the bill now has the first chamber of parliament, the Sejm. The PiS has an absolute majority there and can pass the law despite the Senate’s rejection.

The opposition is calling for it to be rescheduled on Election Day because an election campaign is not possible due to restrictions on public life. The PiS wants to meet the date despite the epidemic: its candidate, Andrzej Duda, leads all the polls.

Italy puts rescue ship “Alan Kurdi” on the chain

Italian authorities arrested the German rescue ship “Alan Kurdi” in Palermo. The reason was for various irregularities, “which could endanger not only the crew but other people on board, the Ansa agency reported Wednesday night. No details of the complaints were given. The ship remained until String bugs fixed.

The “Alan Kurdi” had taken 146 immigrants off the Libyan coast in early April and brought them to the Italian coast, where they were taken to a ferry off the coast of Sicily due to the crown pandemic during the period quarantine. The aid ship Sea-Eye with its 17 crew members was able to enter Palermo over the weekend.

The United States refers to the alleged attempt to invade Venezuela as propaganda

The United States described the alleged attempted invasion of Venezuela as a government propaganda offensive in Caracas. It was a “major disinformation campaign” carried out by the regime of President Nicolás Maduro, a spokesman for the US State Department said Tuesday night (local time). In that case, it was difficult “to separate the facts from the propaganda,” he said. The Venezuelan government has already distributed false information in the past, so nothing can be taken “to the letter,” the ministry said. Reports of two allegedly arrested US citizens are under investigation, he said.

According to authorities, eight people were killed and eight “mercenaries” arrested, including two Americans, in the alleged attempted invasion of the coast in the state of Aragua. The socialist government in Caracas blamed Colombia and the United States for the alleged attack. The President of the United States, Donald Trump, had already announced on Tuesday morning (local time) that his government had nothing to do with the Venezuelan operation.

Critics accuse Maduro’s authoritarian government of having made invasion attempts many times, for example, to act against the opposition or to distract themselves from complaints in his own country.

News from May 5, 2020

Instagram account hijacked by Mercedes-Benz

The German Instagram account of the automaker Mercedes-Benz has been hacked. The attack occurred Tuesday night, the company told the DPA news agency. The automaker reserves the right to take legal action. In the account description, for example, the hackers called for an alleged fundraiser for hungry people. The images were also circulating on social media, like a swastika flag in profile. Mercedes-Benz has around 6.7 million Instagram subscribers with its German account.

SPD MP Kahrs waives all charges

After his contempt as a military officer, the influential SPD MP, Johannes Kahrs, leaves the Bundestag with immediate effect. The 56-year-old home expert announced Tuesday in Berlin that he would resign his mandate and all political positions at the end of the day. The “Rheinische Post” and the newspaper “Bild” reported first.

The head of the Social Democratic group had proposed Berlin MP Eva Högl as a new military officer and thus decided against Kahrs.

In his statement, Kahrs admitted that he would have liked to apply for the post of military officer. However, the top of the parliamentary group chose Högl. “I accept this and I wish him every success.” Högl will be chosen to succeed Hans-Peter Bartels (SPD) this Thursday. The Bundeswehr military commissioner is considered the lawyer for the Bundeswehr soldiers.

SPD drives the pace of the basic pension: next week’s bill in the Bundestag

The basic pension will be dealt with at first reading in the next week of the parliamentary session. The SPD parliamentary group had agreed with Union representatives, SPD parliamentary group leader Rolf Mützenich said on Tuesday.

They wanted to “complete this quickly” so that the basic pension could take effect on January 1, 2021, he said. The aim of the SPD remains to adopt the basic pension in the Federal Council and the Bundestag before the summer holidays, said the deputy director of the SPD parliamentary group, Katja Mast. The SPD had recently complained about postponing the debate.

The federal government passed the law in February. For the plans to become law, the Bundestag and Bundesrat still have to agree.

There are reservations about the basic pension in the Union. It states that about 1.3 million people with small pensions will receive a supplement starting in 2021 if they can demonstrate that they have contributed to employment, raising children, or caring for at least 33 years. Contrary to the SPD’s will, the bill passed by the federal cabinet in February has not yet reached the Bundestag in April.

An older man and an older woman sit on a bench, photographed from behind

At the request of the SPD, the basic pension must come from January of next year. Under certain conditions, beneficiaries of smaller pensions must receive a supplement.

Deutsche Rentenversicherung has concerns about the timely introduction of the new benefit. Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) has now proposed a phased start. Consequently, not all recipients would receive their money on January 1.

China launches “Long March 5B” rocket for the first time

China first launched a powerful new type “Long March 5B” missile into space. The rocket easily took off from the Wenchang space station on Hainan Island in southern China. Among other things, the flight is intended to test a new spacecraft for future manned missions. The start was originally planned for April, but had to be postponed due to technical problems.

China Long March Missile

China wants to conquer space with the new “Long March 5B” rocket

The missile is a modified version of the “Langer Marsch 5”, which was successfully tested in December after two failures due to engine problems. It is one of the most stable rockets in the world and will also be used in the construction of the planned Chinese space station.

Federal Constitutional Court criticizes purchases of ECB government bonds

The Federal Constitutional Court has granted several constitutional complaints against a controversial bond purchase program by the European Central Bank (ECB). The ECB’s decisions on the program are anti-competitive, the German highest court ruled in Karlsruhe on Tuesday. The Federal Government and the Bundestag had violated the plaintiffs’ rights. The Federal Constitutional Court also opposed a judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Communities (ECJ) (Az. 2 BvR 859/15 and others)

The Government and Parliament did not take action against the ECB’s decisions on the bond purchase program, nor did they examine or demonstrate that the measures taken were proportionate. On the other hand, no violation was found of the prohibition of the financing of the monetary budget. Karlsruhe’s constitutional judges also emphasized that they had not decided on current relief measures in the Corona crisis. Specifically, the ruling referred to the ECB’s PSPP (Public Sector Purchase Program) program, under which the central bank already injected 2.6 trillion euros into financial markets at the end of 2018.

Apparently new right-wing death threats against politicians and journalists

According to a newspaper report, state security has launched investigations into new far-right threat letters. The death threats were directed against politicians, prosecutors and journalists, the German editorial network (RND) reports, referring to security circles. Therefore, the letters of the same name come from the so-called Staatsstreichorchester, which has been noted in the past for similar death threats.

According to RND, the letters were sent last week to two members of the Bundestag, two members of the Landtag of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Bavaria, the prosecutor’s office in Schwerin, nine editorial offices and a Berlin law firm. It establishes that the senders have enough ammunition to liquidate each of the recipients. The letters would be examined by the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) and various state criminal investigation offices.

In January, the SPD member of the Bundestag Karamba Diaby received a similar death threat from the “Staatsstreichorchester”. In October 2019, the CDU chief of Thuringia, Mike Mohring, publicized a threat from the same alleged sender.

Significant increase in German arms exports in 2019

German exports of weapons of war increased to at least € 1.1 billion last year. That is 43 percent more than in the previous year, but significantly less than in 2017 and 2016 with 2.65 billion and 2.5 billion euros. The main customer was Turkey, ahead of Kuwait, Great Britain, Lithuania and Singapore.

The new figures are based on a response by the Ministry of Economy to a request by left-wing foreign politician Sevim Dagdelen. They only affect weapons of war such as submarines, tanks, fighter jets or firearms, but not other weapons such as armored ambulances, military trucks or the like.

News from May 4, 2020

Commission report publishes “Culture of Fear” at the Berlin Ballet School

According to a commission of experts, a “culture of fear” prevails at the Berlin State Ballet School. The allegations made by schoolchildren can be summed up as “jeopardizing the mental and physical well-being of children,” commission chairman Klaus Brunswicker said in presenting an interim report. “A large part of the accusations is justified.” Extreme demands were associated with poor handling and enormous pressure. It is different from being insulted than going through tough training, Brunswicker said. Also, a host of appearances led to student exhaustion. They were disciplined about the danger of having to drop out of school. However, there is no concept of what will happen to those affected, the commission director criticized. To date, the six experts have spoken about the study in 25 interviews with 45 school and school staff members from the three departments of the ballet, art and general education school.

Katjes Group Acquires Childcare Manufacturer Bübchen

The Katjes Group takes over the care products manufacturer Bübchen, which specializes in the needs of young children. This was reported by the Katjes International holding company in a mandatory exchange announcement. The Katjes Group is acquiring the market leader in the childcare segment in Germany, he said. Until now, Bübchen belonged to the Swiss pharmaceutical company Galderma. According to the announcement, Bübchen achieved sales of around 50 million euros with around 100 employees in the last financial year and was profitable. Production takes place in Soest, Westphalia. Katjes International did not disclose the purchase price.

Bavaria Internet Player Wins 90 Million Jackpot

A lottery player from Northern Bavaria won the € 90 million jackpot. It is the highest lottery prize Bavaria has ever had. As a Lotto Bayern spokeswoman explained, the 25-year-old player from Upper Franconia used 16.25 euros for his game allowance. The young man gave up his order on Friday just before the draw. It had already been announced over the weekend that the jackpot had been won in the international lottery. Initially it was unclear whether a single player was the lucky one, or whether a union won the jackpot.

Sign Eurojackpot 90 million euros

A 25-year-old man from Upper Franconia may have provided: He broke the Euro Jackpot, which was packed to the brim with 90 million euros.

The economy rejects new car purchase premiums

Monika Schnitzer’s economy rejects government purchase premiums for all new cars. “This is pure lobbying, as is the requirement to reduce environmental regulations,” the Munich economist at the Rheinische Post said in the run-up to the German government’s auto summit on Tuesday. Such incentives to buy as a result of the Corona crisis “would advance purchases that were lacking in the following years.” From the economist’s point of view, the auto industry in particular “fell asleep looking for major trends like electric mobility and hydrogen technology.” The crown pandemic could not be an excuse to consolidate the old business model for many years to come, said the expert council member to assess overall economic development. Schnitzer can basically imagine help for the auto industry. “A combination of purchase premiums, for example for electric cars, combined with investments in charging infrastructure could already make sense.”

The presenter “Case number XY … unsolved” Sabine Zimmermann is dead

Eduard Zimmermann’s adoptive daughter Sabine Zimmermann died and died May 1 in Munich at the age of 68, the ZDF announced. Sabine Zimmermann was co-moderator for many years on the “Aktenzeichen XY … unsolved” program invented by her father. From 1987 to 2001, Sabine Zimmermann presented the show alongside her father and then alongside Butz Peters. In addition, she moderated the broadcast “Caution, cheat!” From 1998 until the broadcast was suspended in 2001. Until 2011, Sabine Zimmermann also remained production manager for “XY … unresolved file number.”

Trial of ex-wife Denis Cuspert begins

The ex-wife of the German jihadist and former rapper Denis Cuspert (aka “Deso Sogg”), who was allegedly killed in Syria a long time ago, has been on trial in Hamburg since Monday. The state protection process began with the reading of the accusation, as a spokeswoman for the Superior Regional Court (OLG) in the Hanseatic city said. According to investigators, Omaima A., 35, went with her three eight-month-old and two-and-eight-year-old children from Germany to IS in Syria, where her husband was at the time, in January 2015. After her death in An airstrike later married Islamic law to German jihadist Cuspert, who made himself known through Islamic State propaganda videos.

The German-Tunisian was in the country of the civil war until September 2016 before returning to Germany. A. there he joined the IS structures, committed himself to his ideology and raised his children in the sense of a “criminal way of life,” he said in the indictment. Auch Verstöße gegen Erziehungs- und Fürsorgepflichten gegen die eigenen Kinder gehören zu den Vorwürfen. Die Angeklagte soll ferner eine 13-Jährige als “Sklavin” in ihrem Haushalt in der Stadt Rakka gehalten haben. Das Mädchen gehörte zur religiösen Minderheit der Jesiden, an welcher der IS einen Völkermord verübte. Dies stuft die Anklagebehörde als Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit und Menschenhandel ein. In dem Verfahren sind zunächst 13 Verhandlungstage bis Anfang Juli angesetzt.

Kurden in Syrien beenden Aufstand von IS-Gefangenen

Kurdische Sicherheitskräfte haben im Nordosten Syriens einen eintägigen Aufstand inhaftierter Anhänger der Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) beendet. Die IS-Terroristen hätten zuvor das gesamte Gefängnisgebäude in ihre Gewalt gebracht, teilten die von Kurden angeführten Syrischen Demokratischen Kräfte (SDF) mit. Die Revolte sei nach dem Einsatz von Spezialkräften und Verhandlungen mit den Gefangenen beendet worden.

Loveparade-Prozess ohne Urteil beendet

Das Landgericht Duisburg hat den Prozess um das Unglück bei der Loveparade 2010 eingestellt. Bei den drei zuletzt verbliebenen Angeklagten hatte das Gericht zuvor nur eine geringe Schuld vermutet. Eines der aufwendigsten Strafverfahren der Nachkriegszeit endet damit nach knapp zweieinhalb Jahren und 184 Sitzungstagen ohne ein Urteil. In dem Prozess ging es um die tödlichen Verletzungen von 21 jungen Menschen bei einem Gedränge auf der Loveparade in Duisburg im Juli 2010. Mehr als 650 Menschen wurden verletzt. Einige leiden bis heute unter den Folgen. Wegen der vielen Verfahrensbeteiligten war in einem großen Saal des Kongresszentrums Düsseldorf verhandelt worden. Dem Verfahren drohte Ende Juli – zehn Jahre nach der Katastrophe – die Verjährung.

Streit über Wahlrechtsreform: CDU im Norden ermahnt CSU

Im Dauerstreit über eine Wahlrechtsreform zur Verkleinerung des Bundestags fordern CDU-Vertreter aus dem Norden von der CSU mehr Kompromissbereitschaft. “Die CSU sollte ihre Blockade bei der Reduzierung der Wahlkreise aufgeben”, sagte der niedersächsische Landesgruppen-Chef Mathias Middelberg der “Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung”.

Ähnlich äußerte sich der CDU-Landesgruppenchef von Schleswig-Holstein, Johann Wadephul. Es falle niemandem leicht, die Zahl der Wahlkreise zu reduzieren, was eine Vergrößerung der einzelnen Kreise bedeute. “Es wird schwierig sein, ein noch größeres Gebiet als Abgeordneter zu betreuen, aber jeder muss jetzt ein Stück weit nachgeben.” Das gelte aber auch für die Opposition, sagte er. “In den nächsten beiden Sitzungswochen müssen wir einen Kompromiss finden.” Hintergrund der Debatte ist die Befürchtung, dass der Bundestag bei der Wahl 2021 durch Überhang- und Ausgleichsmandate auf mehr als 800 Abgeordnete anwachsen könnte. Schon jetzt ist das Parlament mit 709 Abgeordneten so groß wie nie zuvor. Die Normgröße sind eigentlich 598 Mandate.
