“Today-Journal” with Marietta Slomka: Kretschmer’s appearance of foreign shame refers to a bigger problem: politics


Michael Kretschmer, Prime Minister of Saxony, sat down for a bit at the “Heute-Journal” on Wednesday evening and was interviewed by Marietta Slomka. With more than 300 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a week, Saxony has the highest incidence value in Germany. That’s why schools, daycare centers, after-school care centers and most stores will close there starting Monday.

Kretschmer admonished and warned. “The situation is much more dramatic than in the spring,” he said, “and the population is dealing with this situation much less informed and relaxed. That is very, very dangerous. “

Slomka asked.

Hadn’t Kretschmer contributed himself, because in October he had dismissed the scientists’ warnings as “hysteria”?

Kretschmer said then that it was a shame for others, he spoke of a lack of acceptance in the population and that it was difficult to obtain social approval. Having initially tried with softer media was absolutely correct. It did not occur to him to even consider having misjudged a situation at some point.

You can see the interview in the “Heute-Journal” here:

The primacy of consistency is suspended

There is a wonderful song by Stevie Wonder. It’s called “He’s Misstra Know-It-All.” He is a man who always knows everything, has an answer to everything and never doubts. Misstra Know-It-All is the infallible, the self-righteous, the know-it-all. This type appears more and more in the crisis of the crown. Follow the motto: the more complicated the problems, the easier the solutions. In any case, they should sound simple. The primacy of coherence is suspended.

On Wednesday morning, the leader of the FDP, Christian Lindner, spoke in the Bundestag. The government should not be blamed for living in a pandemic, he said.

“But it must be criticized that the summer and many months and the possibilities of the state as a whole were not used to avoid exactly this situation that we now face.”

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Nanu? Wasn’t it Lindner who had repeatedly complained about the symbolism and the measures that were too harsh?

In mid-November, about three weeks ago, Lindner gave an interview to “Spiegel.” Don’t rush into anything, was his motto. “We must not paralyze the country completely,” he said.

Instead, the federal government should “first wait and see what effect the previous contact restriction has.” You have to check “if the closure of restaurants, culture and other businesses was really necessary.”

And then: “Proposals to quarantine every time you have a cold and cut school lessons in half work as pure actionism.”

Politicians want to radiate competence and self-confidence

Why is it so difficult to admit mistakes? The corona pandemic hits all people and all countries without being prepared. This leads to errors and confusion. It is easy to demonstrate inconsistencies to those involved. Happy if you don’t have to act yourself.

Perspectives, long-term strategies and general concepts are strongly demanded. But where do you get it from when the crucial factor, the behavior of each individual, is difficult to calculate and predict?

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Politicians are afraid of appearing unstable and fickle. You want to radiate competence and confidence in yourself. But in a crisis like this, it quickly becomes ridiculous. Donald Trump comes to mind as he removes his mask on a White House balcony after surviving the infection.

“Everyone can be wrong, but only fools persist in error,” says Cicero. Persisting in it is a compensatory form of uncertainty.

It also shows a disdain for the citizens. Most people understand that Corona is a challenge that can only be overcome together. They understand that the mask, the distance and the hygiene are necessary. They understand that strict rules sometimes need to be put in place to avoid a failure in healthcare.

What they understand, but reject: knowing everything and self-righteousness. They demand a little humility from Misstra-Know-It-All.
