Tit dies in Hesse: songbirds die because of it


The puzzle of the unusually large number of dead blue boobs has been solved: the Hesse State Laboratory has examined several of the songbirds that have died. The agency also announced if there was any danger to people.

Photo series with 17 photos

In April of this year In Hesse, an unusually large number of blue boobs died of a mysterious illness.. To clarify the cause of death, the Landesbetrieb Hessisches Landeslabor (LHL) Veterinary Department had examined several songbirds in recent days.

The result: an infection with the Suttonella ornithocola bacteria killed the blue tit. It caused pneumonia in birds, where animals die, the Gießen authority said. No other pathogens were found that are also being questioned, such as avian influenza or usu viruses, salmonella, or intestinal parasites.

Is the bacteria dangerous to humans?

According to the authority, there is no potential risk to humans or other animal species. Getting sick or dying is still recommended Birds The Hesse State Laboratory writes on its website that it can only handle disposable gloves.

According to the responsible district veterinary office, songbirds that have died can be sent to the LHL to clarify the cause of death. Here too, the LHL recommends that you only handle animals with disposable gloves.

Tit death in other federal states

Meanwhile, according to the Naturschutzbund (Nabu), there are thousands of documents in Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland and Lower Saxony, in addition to Hesse. However, the number of birds currently reported by concerned citizens should not automatically be equated with this pathogen detection.
