Ticker: Barriers, police, identity checks: Leipzig prepares a demonstration day


09:25 am | CDU Vice President: “A Noisy Minority” Increasingly Radical

CDU Vice President Silvia Breher watches with concern the increasingly radical protest against Corona’s policy around the “lateral thinking” scenario. If politicians expect restrictions from the people, then politics must speak with one voice and represent the measures uniformly, Breher said in anticipation of the upcoming talks between the prime minister and Chancellor Merkel. She said of the “lateral thinking” participants:

That is not the majority, it is a noisy minority. The vast majority support the measures.

Silvia Breher
Vice-president of the CDU

09:16 am | Traffic restrictions and control areas

Due to the eight meetings recorded, traffic disturbances in Leipzig should be expected from 8 am Leipzig Police recommend driving through the city center as much as possible.

The police have set up control areas for the period from 8 to 20 hours. This means that unreasonable personal checks can be carried out in these areas. These are the streets, sidewalks, and adjacent buildings:

  • Tröndlinring / Willy-Brandt-Platz / Brandenburger Straße / Hahnekamm
  • Querstraße / Johannisplatz / Talstraße / Goldschmidtstraße / Roßplatz
  • Grünewaldstrasse / Härtelstrasse / Peterssteinweg / Riemannstrasse / Floßplatz
  • Riemannstrasse / Wilhelm-Seyfferth-Strasse / Karl-Tauchnitz-Strasse
  • Martin-Luther-Ring / Dittrichring / Goerdelerring / Tröndlinring

08:38 am | Protection of the Constitution: Warning of disruptive actions and infiltration of rights

The Saxon Office for the Protection of the Constitution has warned about the infiltration of right wing extremists into the assembly of “lateral thinking”. The State Office for the Protection of the Constitution announced that the right-wing extremist scene had mobilized at the national level to participate in the event under the slogan: “It is time to finish.” Right-wing extremists abused the crown protests for their own ends.

On Saturday in Leipzig, the participation of violent groups, such as football fans and martial arts groups, should again be expected. Therefore, disruptive actions must be taken into account, but they must come from individuals, he said. In addition to the local NPD groups, people from the right-wing extremist scene would also announce the demonstration in Leipzig. The Leipzig police had already issued a residence ban for several people from the right-wing political spectrum. In addition, he will mobilize the left-wing extremist scene for action on Saturday.

08:17 am | Police strategy

The city of Leipzig and the police have announced that they will “systematically punish any violation of the crown’s rules.” The police wanted to focus primarily on separating the “peaceful and non-peaceful participants” in the various meetings.

According to their own statements, the police will be deployed in large numbers in the city center. Officials from Baden-Württemberg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Bremen, Brandenburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Saxony-Anhalt, as well as from the federal police, support the Saxon police. Water cannons and an equestrian squad are also ready to go.

8:00 am | Looking back on November 7

At the beginning of the month, several demonstrations by Corona critics and counter-protesters took place in Leipzig. The “lateral thinking” initiative protested against the crown’s protective measures and also summoned counter-protesters to the scene. The rally at Augustusplatz was preceded by a legal dispute over the venue. In the demo itself, many people ignored the hygiene requirements. Clashes with the police and attacks on journalists made headlines across the country. After that, a political debate erupted over the demo events that had gotten out of hand.
