Thuringia: Police use pepper spray at Corona demonstration in Hildburghausen


The Hildburghausen district in Thuringia is the access point of Corona in Germany. According to the Robert Koch Institute, there were more than 600 new infections per 100,000 residents in the past seven days.

There, of all places, a protest rally against the new infection protection rules took place on Wednesday night, which was broken up by the police. The officers used pepper spray. Around 400 people had gathered in the market square despite exit restrictions.

According to the police, there were numerous violations of the applicable Corona rules at the meeting: “For example, no minimum distances were observed, no masks were worn, and people left their own apartment without good reason,” emergency services said. . The approximately 30 officials managed to disperse the protesters.

According to police, pepper spray was used selectively to prevent protesters from moving onto a local road. Several attempts to get participants to leave the rally have failed, police said Thursday night. 30 participants received a complaint for violating the Infection Protection Law. According to the information, there were no injuries or arrests. The meeting started around 7 p.m. and the protests ended around 8:45 p.m.

The mayor is stunned

According to Mayor Tilo Kummer (left), the participants spoke of a “walk”. “I’m stunned,” Kummer wrote on Facebook that night. »The Hildburghausen market is full of people! Many do not wear masks! What has to happen before some people understand the seriousness of the situation? Several people in the circle fought for their lives. Kindergartens, schools, ambulance stations and entire fire brigades had to be quarantined in the last two weeks. “Can’t you keep a two week distance?”

In the Hildburghausen district, a regional lockdown has been in place since Wednesday with exit restrictions and schools and kindergartens closed. The protests took place during deliberations between the Prime Minister and Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) (read more about the results of the negotiations here).

Thuringian Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (left) appealed to the population of the Hildburghausen district to adhere to the new infection protection regulations. There is a great effort to “protect the life and physical integrity of the people” with stricter measures, he said on Wednesday after the videoconference between the prime minister and Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU). But he saw photographs that showed that several hundred people had gathered at the market.

The strongest infection rate nationwide

These people, according to Ramelow, had given the signal that they were not interested in the infection process in their circle. “You are in the district with the highest infection rate in the whole of Germany, but you indicate that you are more likely to reject measures to prevent infections,” said Ramelow.

In Hildburghausen, according to figures from the Robert Koch Institute, as of midnight, there were 602.9 cases of infection per 100,000 inhabitants in the last seven days; this is the strongest infection nationwide. From a value of 50, a region is considered a risk area. The district has a population of just over 63,000 people.

Ramelow appealed to the people of Hildburghausen to show solidarity and “help and support each other.” In southern Thuringia in particular, the situation in hospital intensive care units is tense. “If you think later that you can react with a greater form of contempt and denial, you are doing your fellow citizens a disservice,” Ramelow said.

Icon: The mirror
