Three years in prison – SWR Aktuell


The sentence against Yves R., 32, from Oppenau (Ortenaukreis) was handed down in the Offenburg regional court. In the summer of 2020, it had been searched for days by a large police force in the Black Forest.

Three years in prison for hostage-taking in a less serious case, dangerous bodily injury and unauthorized possession of weapons: this is the verdict against Yves R. After a month and a half, the 32-year-old’s trial in the court of Offenburg district ended with the afternoon announcement. The sentence is not yet final and legal remedies can still be filed. Judge Wolfgang Kronthaler spoke in his judgment of a man suffering from a personality disorder who has often committed a crime. Yves R. accepted the judgment without any visible emotion, nothing changed in his facial expressions and gestures.

Detailed reasons for the sentence

The judge said they had to weigh: according to the penal code, a minimum of five years in prison is foreseen for taking hostages. In this case, however, it was only a matter of seconds. “That was not comparable to the decision to rob a bank, take a hostage there and hold him for hours,” the judge said.

Mitigating circumstances

According to Kronthaler, you can make a spontaneous decision to act. “You have essentially contributed to the clarification and expressed your regret,” he told Yves R. Furthermore, he would now be detained as an adult for the first time. Media coverage will accompany you throughout your life.

That had a detrimental effect on the sentence.

According to Richter, the following is at Yves R’s expense: “You have had a very long criminal record and were on probation for a weapons-related crime. Besides taking hostages, you also committed other crimes and were potentially very dangerous.” 32-year-old man wounded a policeman with an ax. Evidently, the testimony of police officers in court also has a negative effect. “The police unanimously stated that you were very tough and structured at the beginning of the crime, during disarmament and hostage-taking. You knew exactly what you were doing.” The police officers, however, according to the judge, did not behave improperly. He is also accused that Yves R. did not put away his weapons despite repeated requests, did not surrender and did not want to be searched. Furthermore, he did not admit to deliberately wounding the officer with an ax. The judge also took into account the use of the stun gun, the Taser. That put Yves R. in a special situation. But: “Several officers saw that you hit the officer on purpose and with all your force.” There is also a video recording. Furthermore, Yves R. did not admit to having threatened one of the policemen with a weapon and to having used him as a hostage to disarm the other policemen in front of the door.

The demands of the prosecutor and the defense differ widely

The prosecution had demanded a prison sentence of three years and nine months for the defendant, the defense lawyers a year and a half on probation. At the beginning of the trial on January 15, defense attorneys read a statement in which Yves R. describes how he was searched by policemen in a shack on July 12, 2020, how he threatened them with his alarm gun for fear of being arrested . , and the way they were delivered had eliminated the service weapons.

Five days of persecution until arrest

The prosecution evaluated this as a hostage-taking in a minor case. The defense attorneys assumed resistance and severe aggression against the law enforcement officers. According to his account, the accused was cornered. The provocations of a police officer led to the escalation. It was only after a five-day search by a large police force that Yves R. was captured with all four service weapons. When he was arrested, he wounded a policeman in the foot with an ax. According to a psychiatric report, he was only less responsible in this situation as a result of hunger, thirst, lack of sleep, and pain. It also attests that the man with a relevant criminal record has multiple personality disorder.

What happened in July 2020? A look back shortly

In the small town of Oppenau, in the Ortenau district, there was a state of emergency for almost a week. The defendant Yves R. is said to have pulled out a real-looking alarm pistol and took a police officer hostage during a check on his garden shed on Sunday, July 12, 2020. He then allegedly disarmed four police officers and hid in the forest. With a large contingent of 2,500 officers and several helicopters, the police were looking for the man in the woods around Oppenau. He was arrested on the sixth day and has been detained ever since. When he was arrested, he is said to have hit a policeman in the leg with an ax.

The detailed report on the July 2020 live blog:


There are police officers and police vehicles near the Oppenau municipality on a sports field that the police use as a collection point.  (Photo: dpa Bildfunk, Picture Alliance / Philipp von Ditfurth / dpa)

The 31-year-old fugitive, who disarmed four police officers in Oppenau (Ortenaukreis) on Sunday (July 12, 2020) and then fled into the forest, was arrested on Friday night. A look back at what happened.
