Three week closure starting December 20! Where tougher measures are planned: domestic politics


The blocking light is not enough, as the record infection numbers show. In the last 24 hours alone, 29,874 new infections were added in Germany – a sad record!

Now things are happening in quick succession: the next Corona summit will take place on Sunday with the 16 prime ministers and Chancellor Angela Merkel (66, CDU), this was announced by BaWü Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (72, Greens ) on Friday morning.

And then they will probably send Germany into hibernation; the hard blockade is likely to come. Schools, kindergartens, shops, all closed!

BUT: While some call for a closure after Christmas, Prime Ministers want to close their state beforehand!

Germany’s Corona hotspot country made the start Saxony: Schools, kindergartens, after-school care centers and many stores will close next Monday. There are also plans for nightly curfews between 10 pm and 6 am Starting next week, shopping in Saxony should only be possible within a 15 kilometer radius.

Shot on friday Baden-Württemberg a. After Christmas the country will be blocked until at least January 10. Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann announced on Friday that, if necessary, a joint solution will be sought with the neighboring states of Baden-Württemberg, if a uniform national solution cannot be found.

Berlin Mayor Michael Müller (SPD), currently also Chairman of the Prime Minister’s Conference, said on Thursday: “Between December 20 and January 10, we have practically three weeks of massive restrictions, which will certainly do that the incidence goes down. “

He firmly assumes that the federal states will agree with the federal government on the three-week lockdown. It is becoming clear, also in discussions with colleagues from the federal states, “that from the 20th there will be significant cuts” and retail trade will be closed “significantly”, Müller told the ZDF program “Markus Lanz”.

All countries are currently looking for a blocking solution. Some for the time BEFORE, some for the time AFTER Christmas.

Seehofer: “I have anger in my stomach”

Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) calls for an immediate reaction to the increasing number of corona infections. “The only possibility to regain control of the situation is a closure, which must take place immediately,” the minister told “Spiegel”. “If we wait until Christmas, we will have to struggle with the high numbers for months.”

Seehofer expressed his anger at the current situation. He got it right Anger in the stomach said the minister. The advantage that Germany fought for in the spring during the pandemic has been lost. This is not due to the indiscipline of the citizens, but above all to inadequate measures.

The Federal Minister for the Economy, Peter Altmaier, also called for speed: “Politics must act now,” he said, referring to the new highs for the crown. Again there is an exponential increase in the number of infections.

What has already been announced by the federal states:

● In Bayern Since Wednesday, stricter rules have been put in place such as exit restrictions, alcohol bans in city centers and curfews at hotspots. “Exit restrictions nationwide, night curfews at hotspots, business closings, company holidays and extended school holidays everywhere,” demands Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU). Stores should only remain open for daily necessities, such as groceries.

● To Sedan Ruling mayor Müller also announced significant restrictions on Thursday. The Senate wants to address it next Tuesday. Müller also wants to coordinate with Brandenburg.

Brandenburg it is currently reviewing stricter rules. “The situation is very serious. It should be clear to everyone that we now need tougher measures, “said Health Minister Ursula Nonnemacher (Los Verdes).

● In his government declaration, the Prime Minister allowed Hessen, Volker Bouffier (68, CDU), it remains to be seen whether the easing of restrictions for Christmas and New Year’s Eve / New Year that was decided in the Bund-Länder Round will be maintained. In principle, the state government is in favor. However, in your impression, more restrictions are “very likely”, especially for New Years Eve.

● Thursday also had Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) has spoken out in favor of shutting down retail, with the exception of grocery stores, as early as the fourth Advent. Schwesig expects an agreement on the national uniform and strict crown restrictions at the peak of the crown crisis on Sunday. “We have great interest in early action,” Schwesig said Friday at the ARD “Morgenmagazin.” It is now clear that current measures are insufficient and “we have to sit down again.”

● also Lower saxony it moves away from the easing of the crown foreseen for the turn of the year and takes a harder course. Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) announced Thursday in the Hannover state parliament. The restriction of contact to a maximum of five people from two households will only be extended to ten close relatives plus children under the age of 14 from December 24 to 26. Thereafter, the strict restrictions will continue to apply until January 10. When meeting friends, the five-person rule will also apply at Christmas. However, the possibility of staying in a hotel in Lower Saxony to visit relatives during Christmas or the turn of the year is not affected.

● The Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Laschet (59, CDU) has spoken out in favor of a two-week national lockdown from December 27 to reduce the number of corona infections in Germany. After Christmas, the recommendation of the Leopoldina Academy of Sciences for a “year-end closure” should be followed, Laschet said Wednesday. Then public life must be closed for 14 days to “break incidents at a high level” and start again at a lower level in the new year.

● The Rhineland Palatinate Prime Minister Malu Dreyer (SPD) said on the ZDF program “Maybrit Illner”: “I think we have to be very strict also at Christmas and, in any case, also on New Year’s Eve.”

● That too Saar The cabinet meets on Friday. Prime Minister Tobias Hans (CDU) told the “Rheinische Post” that he was in favor of a tough blockade that would last at least two weeks. “It is essential that all federal states agree with the federal government on a coordinated, uniform and understandable procedure for the people. Federalism must show that it is capable of fighting the pandemic, ”Hans told the newspaper.

● Saxony-Anhalt: According to “MDR”, the local education ministry said that there are currently no concrete plans in Saxony-Anhalt for the closure of the school system before Christmas.

Schleswig-Holstein Prime Minister Daniel Günther (47, CDU) talks about closings “LAST since Christmas”.

● The cabinet of Thuringia, which also has a high number of infections, decided to take further action for the Free State on Thursday night. Commercial and service companies, with the exception of grocery stores and basic necessities stores, will close at the end of December 18, “provided that the Prime Minister’s Conference does not reach prior agreements.”
