Three accused protesters, including American politicians


Three men have been charged in Washington. Including the man who drew attention to himself during the riot at the United States Capitol with an unusual presentation.

After the violent assault on the United States Capitol, the American judiciary has brought charges against three other people involved. Among the suspects, as reported by the prosecutor on Saturday, were West Virginia politician Derrick Evans and well-known conspiracy theorist Jacob Anthony Chansley, who stood out in the incident last Wednesday for his striking headdress made of fur and horns.

Chansley, also known as Jake Angeli, is charged with trespassing on the US Capitol as well as “disorderly conduct,” according to the Washington prosecutor. According to a prosecutor’s statement, Chansley was seen in his outfit consisting of “horns, a bearskin hat” and face paint in the red, white and blue colors of the American flag in photographs of the assault on the Capitol, which were released in the media. Chansley also carried a spear with an attached American flag.

Chansley describes himself as the “digital soldier” of the far-right conspiracy theory movement QAnon, whose supporters claim that outgoing US President Donald Trump is in a secret war against a global liberal cult of Satanist pedophiles. According to police, Chansley called the FBI on Thursday to confirm his presence in the United States Capitol area the day before. Chansley said he, along with a group of people from Arizona, “followed the president’s request to all ‘patriots'” to come to Washington on January 6.

MP steals Pelosi’s lectern

The other two defendants were, according to the judiciary, MEP Evans, who was recently elected to Parliament in West Virginia, and a 36-year-old man from Florida who stole the lectern from the Democratic majority leader in the House of Representatives. Representatives, Nancy Pelosi.

In response to numerous calls for resignation, Evans submitted his resignation to the governor of West Virginia on Saturday. He takes “full responsibility” for his actions, Evans wrote, according to local media. He hoped his resignation would help start the “healing process” in the United States “so that we can all move on and unite as ‘one nation under God.’

On Friday, the US Department of Justice announced charges against 15 people involved in the assault on the Capitol. According to the prosecutor, in many cases it was easy to identify the suspects as there were many photos and videos of the incident on the Internet. The politician Evans had live streamed his intrusion into the Capitol through the online service Facebook.
