Thousands of readers discuss Corona


Due to crown contact restrictions, not in person, but via video call: Wolfgang Glahn in Neustadt an der Weinstrasse debates with student teacher Amir Nolte (on screen), who lives in Leipzig.
Image: Marcus Kaufhold

The reader debates “Germany speaks”, in which the F.A.Z. He has reunited Amir Nolte, 26, and Wolfgang Glahn, 58, for the first time. Online lessons, the tracking app, and special protection for seniors are your problems. An exchange of blows.

Sno later than Corona’s state of emergency, Amir Nolte has made it clear: “Germany has a school system in the state of the Weimar Republic. And in a world where something changes every day. ” The Leipzig student teacher is angry. For example, when you see one of your tutoring students just hanging out at the close of school. “Nothing comes, nobody cares.” There are no online courses.

Ina Lockhart

Nolte’s arguments don’t just bounce off his conversation partner. Wolfgang Glahn has just met the young man through the debate campaign “Germany speaks”. For Corona this time not personally, but only by video. Nolte will be 27 in two weeks, Glahn is 58 and works in accounts receivable management. The Palatinate currently sits at home, in “normal” life it has to deal with hospitals and city administrations every day.

Before the exchange of blows, Glahn was of the opposite opinion and against the fact that online lessons are an integral part of the curriculum, even after the pandemic. For him as a person, presence and personal interaction are very important. But the exchange with Nolte opens up a new perspective: “Germany is completely behind in terms of digitization,” enthuses Nolte. Corona is now clearing it up. “Germany is deterred by digitization. The existing system works, it is thought. But it’s about optimizing. “

The special education student with a focus on sport supports classroom teaching, but sees online teaching as a useful addition. In the weeks when schools are closed, it is clear that it is largely up to the school principals and teachers how well and by what method students are served at home. “Some teachers are committed and continue to teach online. Others only post a few assignments that students have to do alone at home every week. We have to condense this wide range of quality. “

Student teacher Amir Nolte, shown here in the screenshot during the video call with discussion partner Wolfgang Glahn, is participating for the third time in the campaign.

In recent weeks, personal experiences have left Glahn in doubt about the consequences of measures to combat the crown. He reports three cases in family and friends who had to go to the hospital to undergo surgery in three different cities during the pandemic. “No crown test was performed on any of them. I can’t understand that. Each of them could have infected the entire hospital. “His personal conclusion:” This is no longer about health, but about politics, business and people’s profile. “
