Thousands demonstrate and violate crown rules


Bat a demonstration in front of the Reichstag in Berlin Police temporarily arrested about 30 people. The main problem was to determine personal details because, despite the police announcements through loudspeakers, there were too many people in the square in front of the Reichstag or the minimum distance was not observed.

According to remarks by a DPA photographer, people, including conspiracy theorists and imperial citizens, protested at the rally, among other things, against restrictions on protection from crown infections. There was talk of a maximum of 250 participants on the Internet.

Other journalists and eyewitnesses recorded their observations on Twitter under the hashtag. # b0905. Among other things, you can see that vegan chef Attila Hildmann was among the participants. The 39-year-old man had previously asked to participate in his Telegram group, where he has been criticizing Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) and US billionaire Bill Gates for days.

Show video recordings on Twitterhow the police took the businessman and restaurateur from Berlin. A little later, however, he was obviously free again. Hildmann gave several interviews, nothing is known about its exact content.

Police announced in several loudspeaker announcements that the maximum number of participants of 50 people had been exceeded, the spokeswoman said. As this did not lead to any reaction, the police intervened. In a Twitter post this was also said to be the reason why announcements were issued. However, the protest was not resolved and there was still an influx of participants.

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April 17, 2018, Berlin: Vegan cook and cookbook author Attila Hildmann opens her second vegan food snack bar at Adalbertstraße in Kreuzberg. Your Porsche is just around the corner. Photo: Jens Kalaene / dpa-Zentralbild / dpa [ Rechtehinweis: (c) dpa ]

According to the police, the police initially monitored the concentration with around 100 emergency services. Last Wednesday, an ARD television team was attacked during a meeting in front of the Reichstag.

Again protests near the Volksbühne

Numerous rallies were also recorded for Saturday, both left and right spectrum, at Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz in and around Volksbühne. The police spokeswoman spoke of a “diversity of opinion”.

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False reports spread quickly through social media and messaging services. Followers of conspiracy theories are now regularly demonstrating in Berlin.

The demonstrations would have titles like “Who gives up freedom to gain security”, “Basic law instead of Corona madness”, “Distribution of hygiene newspapers”, but also “Against right-wing extremism”, “There is no place for the Nazis “,” Health without sugar “or” union under the sun “. The spokeswoman was initially unable to say how many emergency services the police are on site.

Demonstration at Alexanderplatz in Berlin.

Demonstration at Alexanderplatz in Berlin.

Credit: Getty Images / Sean Gallup

On Saturday afternoon, several hundred people gathered at Alexanderplatz for an unannounced meeting. Police were on site with various emergency services. According to a spokeswoman, police officers informed protesters of regulations to contain crown infections. Many participants chanted “freedom” or “resistance”. Police officers asked people to leave the site because there were more than 50 people in the plaza and to keep a distance of 1.50 meters from each other.

By afternoon, according to police, around 1,200 people gathered at Alexanderplatz for an unannounced meeting. Many participants chanted “freedom”, “resistance”, “traitor” and “we are all people”. Some climbed to the source of friendship between peoples. According to police, bottles were thrown at officials in the crowd. Police used pepper spray after remarks from a dpa photographer. 86 people were temporarily arrested. Criminal proceedings have been launched, including for assaulting law enforcement officers, police said.

In accordance with the current regulation of the Berlin Senate, meetings with up to 50 participants are allowed if they take place in a fixed place. From May 25, up to 100 people can attend outdoor meetings.

Cologne Police Chief: “It is incomprehensible to me”

People also demonstrated at so-called hygiene demonstrations in other German cities, for example in munich, Frankfurt am Main, Stuttgart and Cologne.

In Munich According to local media reports, several thousand people joined. The motto of the registered event was the theme “fundamental rights”, in reality only 80 people were allowed to participate.

The police did not intervene despite the violations of the distance rules, but were there with 300 forces. Eyewitnesses reported that political and medical protesters in connection with the crown pandemic accused them of panicking and restricting basic human rights. Opponents of vaccination were also among the protesters.

In Frankfurt am Main Hundreds of people with placards walked through the city center on Saturday and shouted “Muzzle off,” “Join up,” and “Resistance.” According to the police, the concentration was not registered. Sometimes more than 500 people participated, sometimes the minimum distance of 1.5 meters was exceeded. According to the police, the police pointed this out several times, but did not dissolve the demonstration.

Attila Hildmann speaks at a rally under the slogan

Atila Hildmann speaks at the demonstration in front of the Reichstag. The vegan chef severely criticizes the crown’s measures on the Internet.

Source: dpa

In Stuttgart There were several thousand people in the Cannstatter Wasen. A police spokesman said it was quite full. He did not give an exact number of participants. Protective measures were mainly observed. The authorities had allowed a maximum of 10,000 participants. An initiative called “lateral thinking” is behind the protest. Critics fear that conspiracy theorists and right-wing populists will take him away.

In Suburb Hundreds of people demonstrated without warning against the crown’s protective measures on Saturday afternoon, without keeping a minimum distance and without a face mask. The police said at night. “Large numbers of protesters have repeatedly asked passersby to remove their mouth guards and to enter stores without a mask. We have absolutely no understanding for this, ”said Police President Uwe Jacob. “It is incomprehensible to me how something like this can be demanded in these times. Apparently, these people still didn’t understand that this is not just about their health, but also about other people’s lives. ”

The police registered the personal data of the alleged leader of the demonstration and other colleagues on the platform. It is now being investigated due to violation of the Crown Protection Ordinance, the Assembly Law and the Infection Protection Law.

In Gera Former Thuringian Prime Minister Thomas Kemmerich participated in a protest against restrictions to contain the crown pandemic, for which he was widely criticized. The FDP politician confirmed his participation on Saturday night on Twitter. He had attended an event in Gera by “proportionality and a crown out sparingly and sparingly,” Kemmerich wrote.

Thuringian Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow especially criticized the alleged breach of crown rules at the event: “Keep your distance or your mouth / nose protection / coverage? – nothing! Model to follow? – Nothing! He wrote on the short message service for a report with a photo of Kemmerich. Environment Minister Anja Siegesmund (Greens) criticized the fact that the FDP politician praised himself for running against the responsibility for our entire health along with the AfD and conspiracy theorists. According to a report by “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland”, AfD politicians also participated in the protest.

Criticism of Kemmerich also came from the party itself. “Being liberal does not mean being against something on principle, especially when it protects people,” MP Bundestag member Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann wrote on Twitter. Ria Schröder, the president of the young liberals, said, without naming Kemmerich by name, “who deliberately ignores hygiene measures and aligns with right-wing extremists is not the means, but endangers us all and undermines the constructive work “of the FDP.
