Thousands against the measures of the Crown: the opponents of the mouthguard mobilize


The contagion rate is increasing again, but more and more people are saying that fighting the pandemic now should be a good thing. There were protests across Germany on Saturday. He was often tense, sometimes violent.

Individual federal states are beginning public life again in more or less big steps, but many people are not going fast enough. Thousands of people in Germany have protested against the restrictions imposed by the crown pandemic. Many of them did not use distance and mouth protection, some brought their children with them. “Those who risk the ultimate relaxation in such an unreasonable manner favor a renewed and rapid increase in the number of infections,” the Cologne police chief warned at the end of the day. There was an unannounced meeting in the city, but he remained at peace.

The protests in the capital were different. According to the police, violent clashes took place between protesters and officials in Berlin’s Alexanderplatz square. Important demonstrations were also held at the Marienplatz in Munich and in Stuttgart. Other partly unannounced meetings took place in Bremen, Dortmund and various Saxon locations.

More than a thousand people attended the undeclared demonstration at Alexanderplatz. Many protesters chanted slogans such as “We are the people” or “Freedom, freedom.” According to a police spokeswoman, bottles were also thrown at police officers. Police said on Twitter that there were expulsions and that some protesters were detained.

More than ten meetings were recorded around the nearby Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz. People have been demonstrating there against pandemic measures for weeks. However, according to the Crown Ordinance, a maximum of 50 people may attend each of the meetings. At a meeting in the Reichstag building, around 30 participants were arrested, including a vegan cook Attila Hildmann, who, according to observations by a dpa photographer, had drawn attention in recent days with conspiracy theories. The police were in Berlin with a thousand emergency personnel on Saturday.

Another attack on journalists

In Dortmund, a right-wing extremist attacked a press team in an illegal gathering. The man said he had hit the journalists’ camera and slightly injured a person, police said. The 23-year-old was placed in police custody. The city of Dortmund had banned the rally on Saturday at the Alter Markt against crown restrictions for reasons of protection against infection. However, as many as 150 people appeared, including a group of right-wing extremists known to the police. Police did not disclose the means by which the journalists traveled. It is not the first attack against representatives of the press in the context of the crown protests. Representatives of ARD and ZDF were attacked in Berlin in a few days.

In Cologne, several hundred people demonstrated without warning against crown protection measures, without keeping a minimum distance and without mouth protection. “A large number of protesters have repeatedly asked passers-by to remove their mouth guard and enter stores without a mask. We have absolutely no understanding for that,” said Police President Uwe Jacob. “It is incomprehensible to me how such a thing can be demanded in these times. Apparently, these people have not yet understood that this is not only about their health, but also about other people’s lives.” The police registered the personal data of the alleged leader of the demonstration and other colleagues on the platform. It is now being investigated due to violation of the Crown Protection Ordinance, the Assembly Law and the Infection Protection Law.

He remained at peace in the south

According to the police, around 3,000 people gathered at the Marienplatz center in Munich to demonstrate against Corona’s requirements. Since the number of participants was significantly higher than the 80 registered participants, it was not possible to maintain the minimum distance between the protesters, the Munich police via Twitter. The protesters did not respond to calls from officials over the loudspeaker to end the meeting or at least separate them. “For reasons of proportionality,” the chief of operations decided not to evacuate “the emotional but peaceful meeting.” According to the police, seven other demonstrations against the crown restrictions took place in the center of Munich. A meeting with the correct spectrum participants was dissolved in front of the town hall, the personal details of 36 protesters were included. There were seven arrests at the demonstrations in Munich.

Stuttgart police said the large-scale demonstration of the Querverse 711 initiative in the Cannstatter Wasn with several thousand protesters was “largely peaceful.” The police did not want to reveal the number of participants in the demonstration titled “Vigil for the Basic Law.”
