Thomas Seitz – Bundestag AfD Member with Hospital Crown Findings


After a corona infection, AfD member of the Bundestag Thomas Seitz is treated as an inpatient at the hospital. “The prognosis for a speedy recovery is, according to the treating physicians, favorable,” said a statement from his office.

The 53-year-old thanked hospital staff in his hometown of Lahr in the Black Forest for their commitment. Several media had previously reported on it.

Seitz apparently came to the lectern wearing a pierced mask.

According to the Bundestag administration, 23 of the 709 parliamentarians have been infected with the corona virus since the outbreak of the pandemic. According to the group, several of the 88 AfD MPs are also affected.

In addition, 33 employees from each of the parliamentary groups and members of parliament, 41 people from the administration and 10 employees from external companies such as cleaning services, transport services or craftsmen were infected with the virus. This week alone, 17 new infections were added.

Seitz was noticed, among other things, at a meeting in November when he arrived at the lectern wearing an obviously pierced mask. The Vice President of the Bundestag, Claudia Roth (Greens), forbade him to return to his seat.

She handed him a new FFP2 mask. When Seitz complained about the “muzzle,” Roth threatened him with a fine. His office emphasized that the parliamentary group AfD and Seitz had warned about the virus earlier in the year and called on the federal government to continually assess the progress of the pandemic.

The trained lawyer is located in the Bundestag for the Emmendingen-Lahr constituency in Baden-Württemberg. In the course of the 2015 and 2017 election campaigns, Seitz was stripped of his official status due to racist comments.

Icon: The mirror
