Thomas Oppermann: SPD politician shockingly dies after ZDF shooting


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SPD politician and Bundestag Vice President Thomas Oppermann died unexpectedly at the age of 66. At the end of August, Oppermann had announced that he would no longer run for the Bundestag in the 2021 elections.

Bundestag Vice President Thomas Oppermann died surprisingly. The 66-year-old SPD politician collapsed Sunday night while working on television with ZDF. Even in the preliminary talk, Oppermann seemed “professional and relaxed.”

SPD politician and Bundestag vice president Thomas Oppermann surprisingly died on Sunday, according to media reports. Consequently, the 66-year-old man died overnight after collapsing while working on television for the program “Berlin direkt” with ZDF and was transferred to a hospital in Göttingen. So far there is no information on the cause of death. Initially, they reported “Media Pioneer”, n-tv and RTL.

The director of ZDF’s capital study in Berlin, Theo Koll, said: “In the preliminary discussion about the planned change, we saw the always professional and relaxed politician Thomas Oppermann. Our thoughts are with his family and friends. “

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier called Oppermann “a fighter with a strong character for democracy, the rule of law, progress and justice.” In a letter of condolence to the 66-year-old’s partner, Petra Kirchhoff, said Monday she was “deeply moved.” Steinmeier emphasized: “We have lost a great person and a convinced Democrat, a passionate MP.”

The Social Democrat has helped shape politics for decades. “We have worked hand in hand for many years.” He credibly defended a defensive democracy and spoke out whenever he saw democratic principles in jeopardy. As vice president of the Bundestag, he had “earned great respect from all parties thanks to this uncompromising stance of our democracy.” “He was my partner, counselor, and good friend for many years.”

The President of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU), was concerned. The news “moves me a lot,” he said Monday in Berlin. “My thoughts are with his family and relatives, I extend my deepest condolences.” Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) said she was shocked and saddened. He has valued Oppermann for many years as a reliable and fair Social Democratic partner in the grand coalitions.

Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil also reacted on Twitter to the death of his dismayed party colleague. “The news of the sudden death of my colleague and comrade Thomas Oppermann fills me with deep sadness,” Heil wrote.

SPD and Union politicians pay tribute to Oppermann

Heil further: “Thomas has done a lot for our country and the Social Democracy with passion and understanding. My thoughts are with his family. “

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The leader of the SPD parliamentary group, Rolf Mützenich, praised Oppermann as an extraordinary politician. Mützenich told the German press agency that the parliamentary group learned of his death on Sunday night with great dismay. “His courageous and practical manner made him an extraordinary politician who always acted with great responsibility.” The thoughts of the entire parliamentary group are with Oppermann’s family and friends.

The head of the CDU, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, said at the beginning of the presidium meeting: “The news of the death of Thomas Oppermann shocks and saddens us. We think first of his wife and children. We discussed the matter with Thomas Oppermann in many rounds. Thomas Oppermann was always a staunch Democrat and an upright Social Democrat. He will be lost. “

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His sudden death came as a shock, CSU chief Markus Söder wrote on Twitter on Monday. “He was a great committed Democrat.”

Economy Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) was stunned. He and Oppermann were at the same time parliamentary directors of their parliamentary groups. “The conflict between the government and the opposition turned into friendship: we have done a lot,” he writes about the SPD politician. “You were a great democrat and a good guy.”

Oppermann recently fought to reduce the Bundestag

FDP leader Christian Lindner wrote on Twitter: The sudden death of Thomas Oppermann is sad news. We are losing an intelligent, debatable and funny politician and a convinced parliamentarian. The German Bundestag will miss him. My thoughts are with his family and friends. “

Oppermann recently announced that he would no longer run for the Bundestag in the 2021 elections. He began his political career in 1980. Before Oppermann moved to the Bundestag, he was actively involved in state politics in Lower Saxony and was, among other things, Minister of Science.

Oppermann was then chairman of the SPD parliamentary group from 2013 to 2017. He won his constituency of Göttingen four times in a row. More recently, the 66-year-old campaigned for a reduction in the Bundestag and a reform of the electoral law.
