This now applies to holidays in Germany.


Several locations in Germany count as regional corona risk areas. Those who come from one of these regions are very limited when it comes to vacationing in their own country. What do the new measures mean?

Anyone coming from a risk zone in the interior of Germany and trying to plan a fall vacation in the country is currently having a difficult time: the federal states have significantly tightened the rules for vacationers from Corona’s regional hotspots. First came the quarantine, then the accommodation ban. But what goes where and for whom on the fall break?

What was decided?

In a meeting on October 7, the federal and state governments decided to adopt special measures for regional risk areas. In principle, residents of risk areas should avoid traveling within Germany. Furthermore, tourists from inland risk areas in Germany should only be allowed to stay in accommodation if they can present a negative Corona test. The test should not be more than 48 hours. However, not all federal states have passed the resolution uniformly. Therefore, you should always inform yourself separately about the location of your holiday destination and, if necessary, contact your accommodation directly.

What areas are considered regional risk areas?

Basically, the Robert Koch Institute classifies regions, towns or cities as risk areas whose new infections exceed the limit of 50 per 100,000 inhabitants in a week.

According to the Robert Koch Institute (as of October 9, 2020), these currently include:

  • Berlin city
  • Bremen city
  • Esslingen district
  • city ​​Frankfurt am Main
  • Remscheid city
  • Herne Town
  • Hamm town
  • Cloppenburg District
  • Vechta district (without Oldenburg)
  • Wesermarsch district
  • Rosenheim City

Where does a lodging ban apply?

So far, Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Lower Saxony, Saarland, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Brandenburg, Hesse, Hamburg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony have either accepted the decision or have already introduced an accommodation ban for travelers from risk areas within Germany.

In some federal states, such as Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, other strict rules also apply, such as the obligation to quarantine travelers from risk areas. Schleswig-Holstein, on the other hand, has relaxed its initial regulation: the quarantine obligation no longer applies.

What does the accommodation ban mean?

The ban means that travelers from risky areas within Germany cannot stay in hotels, restaurants or guesthouses. Strict rules apply to lodging establishments, which can result in heavy fines if not followed.

Does the ban also apply to vacation rentals and Airbnb?

Yes, even vacation apartment operators and Airbnb must qualify and risk steep fines if they accept travelers from risky areas despite the accommodation ban.

Can travelers from regional risk areas be tested for free?

Basically, there is no test obligation for vacationers from German risk areas and therefore they are not entitled to a (free) corona test. Testing capabilities are becoming scarcer these days and are initially reserved for schools and care facilities, as well as people with corona symptoms. If you decide to go on holiday to Germany and have to submit a negative corona test, you will normally have to pay the costs yourself.

Where can you go on vacation yet?

If you are coming from a risk zone within Germany, you should always follow the recommendations of the federal government and limit your travel at this time. However, a ban on accommodation in Berlin, North Rhine-Westphalia, Thuringia, Bremen and Saxony-Anhalt does not yet apply. Some of the federal states have rejected the ban entirely, some are still being discussed.

Can residents of risk areas go to work or visit relatives?

Yes, the new regulation initially only affects private travelers, those who travel for professional reasons can continue to do so. Those who visit relatives and, for example, stay with their parents are not subject to the accommodation ban.
