This is what the exit from the confinement could look like – SWR Aktuell


That night, the federal and state governments agreed on new ways to get out of lockdown.

The federal and state governments agreed on a step-by-step plan to get out of the crown lockdown. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) said on Wednesday night in Berlin, after consultations with the prime ministers of the federal states, that they were on the threshold of a new phase of the pandemic. This is not entered into carelessly, but “with justified hopes.”

There should be several opening steps with a built-in emergency brake, which is then pulled when new infections spike dramatically. According to schools and hairdressers, depending on the infection rate, the retail trade, among other things, should open properly as of Monday:


Chancellor Angela Merkel (M, CDU), Markus Söder (r, CSU), Prime Minister of Bavaria, and Michael Müller (SPD), Mayor of Berlin, leave a press conference after a meeting at the Chancellery.  (Photo: dpa Bildfunk, picture alliance / dpa / AP POOL | Markus Schreiber)

The federal and state governments have ended their talks on how to get out of the corona pandemic. For the participants it was a marathon of negotiations, with mixed results.

Baden-Württemberg accepts it

Baden-Württemberg supports the Bund-Länder Round decision. Therefore, there should be a gradual opening of retail in the Southwest regionally, if the number of infections is less than 50 per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days, he said Thursday night.

The lockdown to fight the corona pandemic will run until March 28 in view of the continued high number of infections and the risk of variants of the virus. The green-black coalition in the Southwest has yet to implement the resolutions for the country.

Kretschmann wants to comment on the resolutions today

So far it is not clear whether secondary schools will be able to gradually reopen next Monday, as requested by Education Minister Susanne Eisenmann (CDU).

Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) just wanted to comment on the resolutions on Thursday and discuss next steps with Eisenmann. The Greens had recently been skeptical about whether it will be possible to ensure the reopening of schools with enough rapid tests for pupils so quickly.

Kretschmann just wants to relax carefully

In the run-up to the conference, the state government had spoken out in favor of relaxing carefully and using rapid tests across the board. That’s a huge logistical effort and it doesn’t happen overnight. Starting next Monday, at least DIY stores in Baden-Württemberg should be allowed to reopen.


What is the current status of corona vaccines in Baden-Württemberg?  (Photo: dpa Bildfunk, picture alliance / dpa / dpa-Zentralbild | Patrick Pleul (symbol image, montage))

Baden-Württemberg is making progress with corona vaccines, but in a national comparison it is still making slow progress. Who can currently get vaccinated and what vaccines are given? An overview.

Meanwhile, the seven-day incidence in Baden-Württemberg continued to rise on Wednesday. According to the State Health Office, the value was 54.4 nationwide after 52 the day before.
