Third division teams want to continue the season: CFC is “tipping the scales”


Most clubs in the 3rd league have agreed to continue the season interrupted by the crown pandemic, however, as expected, the vote was slim. Ten clubs voted in favor during a video conference on Monday and eight against, with two clubs abstaining. Both abstentions came from 1. FC Kaiserslautern and SV Meppen.

CFC: First against, now that’s why

Chemnitz FC is one of those clubs that voted to continue the season. The CFC, which, like all other clubs in Central Germany, had recently campaigned for a demolition, moved to Willigen camp. And so it becomes the “tip on the scales”: if the CFC had continued to vote for a demolition, the clubs would have tied, because MSV Duisburg, which was initially a follow-up, now advocated a demolition.

Scenario: numerous weeks of English

Also, based on MDR information, there are currently two different scenarios for a continuation of 3rd division. The most likely option is to operate the game over the weekend of May 15-17. In order to finish the season until the end of June, there would be numerous weeks in English. Instead of one game day during the week, there should be five, the number of weekend game days is reduced from ten to six. Monday’s games would also be abandoned and would start on a third start date on Sunday. There will be two different start times per day for games on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The fact is: the game will remain for the moment beyond April 30 and until further notice.
