“Thinking outside the box”: speaker compares herself to Sophie Scholl – binder sheds work


Panorama “Shit”

“Think Outside the Box” speaker compares herself to Sophie Scholl – her husband cuts her off

| Reading time: 2 minutes

Demonstration against crown policy - Hannover Demonstration against crown policy - Hannover

Hundreds of people demonstrated against the crown’s measures in central Hannover, and numerous counter-protesters were at the scene.

Source: dpa / Hauke-Christian Dittrich

A moment during the “lateral thinking” protests in Hanover caused a sensation: a woman on stage said she felt like Sophie Scholl, who was executed by the Nazis. The reaction of a portfolio to this is celebrated online. Even Heiko Maas speaks.

secondAt a “lateral thinking” rally against Corona measures on Saturday in Hannover, a speaker in the guise of the self-proclaimed “Sophie Scholl” triggered backlash on the Internet. In a video that had been clicked over a million times and commented on several thousand times on Sunday morning, a young woman can be seen speaking to the audience on a small stage near the opera.

“I feel like Sophie Scholl, because I have been active in the resistance for months, giving speeches, going to demonstrations, handing out flyers and registering for meetings since yesterday,” she says, comparing herself to the resistance fighter executed by the Nazis.

“Downplaying the Holocaust”

After a few sentences a young man appears in front of the stage. “I don’t make a folder for that kind of nonsense,” he protests and hands the woman his orange camisole. It is a “trivialization of the Holocaust” that is “beyond embarrassing.”

The speaker responds: “I didn’t say anything.” Then he starts crying and drops his microphone.

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Policemen appear and escort the man off stage. The woman can be seen again in an excerpt that was published later. She is “surprised that I was offended by a passerby or whatever.”

Users urge irresponsible comparison

Numerous Twitter users “Like” the video, and applause was occasionally heard during the woman’s appearance. But in the comment columns you can find outrage and rejection: the parallels with Sophie Scholl are irresponsible, the equation with the member of the student resistance group “White Rose” during the Nazi era is shameful.

The young man, on the other hand, receives repeated encouragement. One user wrote, for example: “Respect for the former folder who acknowledged the mockery of the real victims of the Holocaust and opposed it.”

Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) has also joined about this via Twitter He expressed: “Anyone who compares himself to Sophie Scholl or (sic) Anne Frank today is scoffing at the courage it took to take a stand against the Nazis. This minimizes the Holocaust and shows an unbearable forgetfulness of history. Nothing connects the crown protests with the resistance fighters. Nothing!”
