“Thinking outside the box” and Samuel Eckert: How children are instrumentalized in the Corona protest


The appeal is clear. The “lateral thinking” movement is planning a demonstration in Weil am Rhein, in the border triangle between Germany, France and Switzerland, for mid-December. It should be about human rights and a better future “for our children.” The head of “lateral thinking”, Michael Ballweg, is to come, as well as other stars of the scene and speakers from the region.

“Very special,” says the appeal circulating online, “we look forward to the contributions of children, schoolchildren, students and youth.” The search for children’s advocates in the fight against the federal government’s crown measures is no coincidence.

Parents applaud in the background

The “lateral thinking” movement is the point of contact for businessmen who are concerned about their financial future in the shutdown, but also for esotericists, right-wing extremists, vaccine opponents, and Reich citizens, as well as people who believe that the coronavirus doesn’t even exist.

However, fundamentalist Christians often set the tone, actively involving children in the protest.
