“Think Outside the Box” Starter Ballweg Calls for a One-Month Demo Break


Germany Michael Ballweg

“Think Outside the Box” Launcher Calls for a One-Month Demo Break

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“For this reason, I will no longer record any major demos” - Michael Ballweg, “Think Outside the Box” initiator

“For this reason, I will not record any more major demos until further notice”: “Think Outside the Box” Starter Michael Ballweg

Source: dpa-infocom GmbH

Michael Ballweg does not want to record any more big rallies against the Corona measures at the moment. He wants to accept a ban on a demonstration in Berlin at the end of December. In a video message he announced that he would “gather strength for the spring.”

The initiator of “Think outside the box”, Michael Ballweg, has asked people to adhere to the ban on thinking outside the box in Berlin at the turn of the year. In a video message posted on the Internet on Christmas Eve, he asked to “accept the ban on demonstrations in Berlin and on December 30, December 31. and in 1.1. not go to Berlin ”.

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On Wednesday it became known that the “lateral thinking” demonstration scheduled for December 30 in Berlin against government restrictions on the Crown crisis was prohibited. The rally was originally planned for New Year’s Eve with the slogan “Welcome 2021, the year of freedom and peace.” Due to the general ban on meetings, the organizers had brought the demonstration forward one day.

Ballweg also announced in the video message that initially it would no longer record large manifestations of “lateral thinking”. With this winter retreat, he said, strength should be gathered for the spring. “For this reason, I will not register any more major demonstrations until further notice.”

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He also recommends this to other “lateral thinking” groups in Germany. At the same time, he called for an organization to be created that would record a large-scale demonstration “in the near future”. He’s also happy with everyone who’s active and holding smaller meetings.

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In the great demonstration of “lateral thinking” on August 29 in Berlin, many participants did not adhere to the rule of distance. On November 18, the police broke up a similar demonstration in Berlin with the help of water cannons because hardly anyone wore mouth and nose protection.
