“These numbers show how brutally this virus attacks”


Vaccinations have been carried out in Germany since the weekend and the first breakdowns have already occurred. Health Minister Jens Spahn describes the start as “successful.”

Vaccinations are carried out in Germany since the weekend. Health Minister Jens Spahn describes the start of vaccines as a success: “The start of vaccination has been successful,” Spahn told a news conference while admitting that it was shaken at one point or another. He asked for your patience if it didn’t turn out the same everywhere. Everyone involved would work to their limits.

“We are living in a time of contrasts,” Spahn said just at the beginning of Wednesday’s lunchtime press conference, in which he informed the Robert Koch Institute and the Paul Ehrlich Institute about the start of vaccination and the situation of the crown. (You can also see the scene in the video above or here.) On the one hand there is hope, on the other hand “great suffering”: “1,129 families will live this new year of mourning,” he said in the face of the deaths currently reported in relation to Corona. “These numbers show how brutally this virus attacks.”

Germany is still far from normal. “So I don’t see how we can go back to pre-lock mode in this situation.” It will be the “quietest New Year’s Eve” that Germany can remember.

Spahn: more than 60,000 people in Germany have already been vaccinated

But it was also faster than ever to develop a vaccine. More than 60,000 people in Germany have already been vaccinated. Initially, the vaccine is in short supply. Therefore, those who are particularly at risk and those who care for patients at risk should be vaccinated first. Urge all caregivers to get vaccinated. Spahn hopes that everyone in Germany can get vaccinated “by summer.”

“Starting today, we can wait for the approval of another vaccine by Moderna next week,” Spahn announced. One is talking to Moderna to be able to secure a fast delivery. It assumes that there will be between one and a half million and two million cans available in the first quarter. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) wants to decide on January 6 whether to recommend approving the medicine. In case of recommendation, it is considered certain that the EU will grant approval. “If it passes on January 6, I still don’t see that we can start directly on January 7,” Spahn admitted. But every effort is made to make the vaccine available as quickly as possible.

Spahn urges prompt approval of Astrazeneca funds

Britain had also approved the vaccine from the manufacturer Astrazeneca on Wednesday morning. According to Klaus Cichutek, president of the Paul Ehrlich Institute, the EMA is in contact with the manufacturer, but has not yet received a full approval application. Spahn urged a speedy approval process: “The more vaccines that are approved, the more people can be offered a vaccine.” Of course, the prerequisites would have to be correct and the applications would have to be thoroughly reviewed, Spahn said.

According to Cichutek, several other vaccines are already in the third phase, including the drug from the Dutch manufacturer Curevac. After successfully completing the third phase, you can apply for admission.

Lothar Wieler, president of the Robert Koch Institute, once again urged citizens to refrain from traveling and New Year’s celebrations and to meet as few people as possible. The virus will be widespread for many more weeks, he said. 5,600 corona patients are currently in intensive care treatment. “That’s sad again,” Wieler said. He called the start of vaccination a “great success in science.” Still, it will be months before so many people are vaccinated that the virus cannot spread further. That is why the AHA + L measures will remain in effect for a long time.

First breakdowns with vaccines

There were several mishaps when the vaccination began: In the Hanseatic city of Stralsund, eight employees of a nursing home were mistakenly injected five times the dose of the BioNTech vaccine, as the Vorpommern-Rügen district admitted on Monday. In seven districts of Upper Franconia, the first 1,000 cans are not used at all after the transport box has not cooled properly on occasion.

Over the weekend, the first 150,000 doses of vaccine were distributed to the 16 federal states. 1.3 million cans should be ready by Thursday. Spahn had already warned that it might “shake off at one point or another” at first.
