These crown rules currently apply in Baden-Württemberg


Despite Corona, Christmas should remain a family celebration. That is why the state government of Baden-Württemberg has relaxed the strict regulations so that a party is possible for many, at least in a small circle.

Who can celebrate together on Christmas Eve and how long will curfew stay relaxed? the most important rules at a glance:

Does the night curfew also apply at Christmas?

No. From December 24 to 26, private meetings are allowed after 8 pm

++ You can find an overview of all applicable blocking rules, beyond Christmas, here ++

Who can you celebrate Christmas with?

Up to four people can meet in addition to their own home, if they come from the closest family circle.

The closest family circle means:

  • Members of the same household
  • Husbands
  • Single partners (lifetime)
  • Family members in a straight line as well as siblings, siblings and their respective household members

The limit of a maximum of two households is lifted on Christmas days for family reunions and children up to 14 years old also do not count towards the total number of people at Christmas.

What about extra guests outside the family?

At a press conference on Tuesday, December 15, Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann announced a hardship regulation for the Christmas holidays. According to this, a person outside the family circle can come to visit during this time. “For example, a lonely neighbor who has no one else,” Kretschmann specified.

Can you visit friends or acquaintances at Christmas?

For visits outside of the family, the rule of no more than five people from no more than two households still applies.

Are guests allowed to come home after 8pm?

Yes. From December 24 to 26, attending private events after 8 pm is a valid reason to leave the apartment.

Strictly speaking, this rule no longer applies from December 27 at midnight: the apartment can no longer be vacated until 5 a.m.

Can family members stay overnight in a hotel or vacation apartment?

For Christmas days, paid overnight stays are allowed from December 23 to 27, for the purpose of family visits.

Can you serve or drink alcohol outdoors?


Can you go to church at Christmas?

Church services and meetings of religious communities are only held with a minimum distance of 1.5 meters, mask requirement, registration and no singing.

Churches are urged to make use of the possibility of online worship services at Christmas to keep contacts to a minimum.

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